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Luz ran through the woods, hand in hand with Amity. They laughed as a warm breeze blew through their hair. The bright orange trees seemed to stand still watching the two lovebirds frolicking through the grass, arm in arm. Luz led Amity through winding paths and fields of flowers until they finally reached a cliff that dropped off into the churning sea below. The wind blew harder on their faces as they ran on. Amity giggled, her green hair all around her.

"Luz stop! You're going to fall off!" she exclaimed, laughing.

But Luz ran on. Amity dropped her hand, her eyes went wide.

"Luz STOP!" she yelled.

But it was too late Luz ran right over the side of the cliff. Amity fell other knees, her head spinning. She caught her breath to shocked to speak. She was about to burst into tears, when she saw a mop of messy, brown locks rising up from behind the cliff face, she saw that same mischievous grin on Luz's face.

"Come on Ams!" she called, now aloft Eda's staff. She laughed jokingly.

She crossed her arms in disapproval, but soon ran over and hopped on behind her. She punched her in the arm just for good measure.

"Don't DO that to me!" Amity complained.

Luz rubbed her arm. "Sorry... can we go now?"

Amity rolled her eyes and smiled. "Fine, surprise me."

In response, Luz willed the staff to rise and the girls began to drift slowly over the sunlit forests. Amity held firmly around Luz's waist. She put her chin on Luz's shoulder, surveying the ground cautiously. She had never been a fan of heights. But the two slowly flew on.

Amity took a shaky breath. "Are we almost there?" she asked squeezing tighter. 

"Almost, don't worry," Luz said reassuringly. 

They flew further and further into the horizon, letting loose of all of their burdens, their hearts filled with the sensation of true love. An occasional wind would rock the staff making Amity squeal with fright, but she never lost her grip. She held onto her girlfriend as if she were the only thing in the entire world. The staff came to a sudden stop and Amity yelped. Luz had to bite her  tounge to stop herself from laughing. She carefully swung her legs over the staff to sit facing the setting sun, and after a lot of reassuring and encouragement Amity did the same. They sat there taking in the view, with their fingers intertwined. Luz put her hand on Amity's and gently pulled her towards her. Brown met gold, as they stared into each other's eyes. Amity softly pushed a strand of Luz's fluffy brown hair behind her ear. Luz smiled at her girlfriend, as a hot, red blush spread across her cheeks. 

"Now, back to where we left off..." Luz said, not letting go of Amity's hand.

Amity blushed as Luz lifted her chin. It should have been awkward but they both stared at each other, completely absorbed in each other's presence. Amity pulled Luz towards her and their lips locked. A sensation of warmth spread through Amity, her stomach filled with butterflies and tears of joy filled her eyes, there was no rush this time, no distraction, it was just the two of them, and it was as if the entire world was melting away, with the bright orange sun setting in the distance. When they finally pulled apart they noticed that a bright moon now shone over them, illuminating their flustered faces.

"I guess I should drop you off..." Luz said, clearly not wanting the moment to end.

Amity's eyes went wide and grasped Luz's hands. 

"I can't go home, not now..." she said panicked.

Luz was taken aback. "But your parent must be worried sick!?" she exclaimed.

Amity's face dropped.

"They don't care about me, they probably didn't even realize I was gone, and besides I really don't want to have to explain what happened, where I've been."

Luz smiled sympathetically. "Its okay Ams. I'm always going to be there when you need me, I'll drop you off tomorrow, it's getting late anyways."

Amity nodded and rested her head on Luz's shoulder. She sighed and smiled. "I love you."

Luz put her arm around her. "I love you too."

And with the light of the moon to guide them the green haired witch, and the brown haired human, slowly made their way back home. When they finally reached the Owl House, sitting perched upon a lone hill, they were met by a guilty looking King.

He hung his head, before looking up at them with his bright, colorful eyes. 

"I was wondering whether could still cuddle with you tonight? I don't want to annoy you..." he said innocently.

Luz giggled and wrapped her arms around the little demon. 

"Of course silly!" she exclaimed, booping him on the nose.

The trio made their way to Luz's room where they lay down on her bed. With her one arm around King, and the other around Amity, Luz soon drifted off to sleep, with King following shortly. Amity smiled, she could get used to this. Her eyes shut and she drifted off to sleep, her heart filled with joy.

The End


I can't believe that it's finally finished! I hope you all enjoyed this last chapter, I tried to make it as cute as I could!

Thank you so much for all the reads , comments and votes, it means so much!

If you have any suggestions of what I should write in the future feel free to let me know! 

Remember to drink your water, and stay safe and healthy!

Thank you!

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