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Amity sat in class gazing out the window at the school below. Luz couldn't stop looking at her. She looked like she was straight out of an anime, with the green hair and the window seat, she was perfect. Flustered, Luz looked back at her desk. She shouldn't be fantasizing about Amity, she was a girl, and so was Luz. She should be crooning at boys (not that she didn't), but yet something about Amity made Luz feel... different. But there was one problem... she didn't know if Amity felt the same. Amity was her best friend, one of the only people that understood her, she didn't want to ruin the relationship the two of them had. She stared at her longingly, everything went against how she felt, how she wanted to be. She looked at Amity, and Amity looked back, and for a moment their eyes met. Luz just smiled and focused back on the teacher.

"It's just a stage," she told herself.

She wanted to believe that was all that it was, she didn't want to get her hopes up. And so she sat there, flipping through her work, waiting for when she could leave. The rest of the lesson seemed to drag for forever, before it was soon time to go to the cafeteria.


When Luz finally left the classroom, Amity was there waiting for her. Luz grinned and walked to stand beside her. 

Amity's eyes went wide. "I... um. Willow told me to tell you that her and Gus have a table saved"

 Luz, before thinking, took Amity's hand. "Let's not keep them waiting then!" 

Amity's entire face turned bright red. "Um... ya! Waiting!"

 She smiled awkwardly at Luz, before the girls made their way to the cafeteria, in deep conversation. Luz kept talking about how Boscha had been acting so stuck up since the start of the Grudgby season, then of course she asked what Grudgby was. So Amity went on to explain the rules and the players, completely engrossed in the topic. Luz was surprised to see how much she knew and cared about the game. 

"And then of course there's the Grudgby captain, like Boscha. Like..." Amity stopped herself and hung her head. "Like me," she had wanted to say, but instead she said: "Nevermind."

Luz oblivious to Amity's discomfort rose an eyebrow.

"So that's why Boscha is acting the way she is!"

Amity nodded. "She gets worse every year, believe me! She takes every loss or victory to heart."

Luz laughed. Then she suddenly stopped walking and waved at someone in the distance.

"We're coming Willow!" she yelled, her face full of excitement. 

She took Amity by the arm and they ran over to Luz's other two best friend's, Willow Park and Gus Porter. Luz eagerly sat down next to Willow and patted a spot next her, gesturing for Amity to sit with her. She turned to Willow and Gus.

"Sorry we're late!" she said apologetically. 

Willow just laughed.

"No problem! Gus and I thought we'd get you guys your food while we waited, since you were still on your way! Lactose free for Luz, and the usual for Amity!" Willow said kindly.

Luz licked her lips. "Mmmmmm!" she said hungrily. She turned to Amity. "So! What spells are used in Grudgby?"

Amity smiled and began to tell Luz everything she hadn't already told her about the sport, until the bell signaled for the next lesson.


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