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"What were you thinking!" Eda yelled at Luz. 

Luz hung her head. "I don't know... I'm sorry!"

Eda sighed. "I told you there was nothing you could do, but did you listen!?"

Luz stared at the floor. Her eyes threatening to burst at any second. She took a shaky breath. 

"I just..." she said tearing up. "I just wanted to help...."

Eda put her arms around her sympathetically. "Look I know how you feel, I know it's hard, she's your friend, and this is something no one should have to go through."

Luz's eyes stung. One word on her mind. 


A sudden realization hit her, threatening to overwhelm her. All the feeling that had been trapped inside her suddenly exploded. She burst into tears, burying her head in Eda's chest. Eda was surprised by this sudden  outburst of emotion but she understood it, she put her hand on Luz's head.

"Hey kid, your friends called you earlier, I told them you weren't here, I think you should call them back..."

Luz nodded and prepared herself to confront them and tell them the new. But something held her back.

'I can fix this'

Once Eda had left the house she pulled out her book.


She ran over the spell multiple times, trying to drill it into her head. She looked over at Amity's meek complexion, she knew she had to do this. She breathed in and went over the line once more before she walked over to where Amity lay, she held her hands over her and said:

"Restore what is lost, fix what is in disrepair, with this spell a cast, let us no longer despair."

She felt hand begin to tingle, she smiled. She waited for the spell to come forth. She watched her hands in anticipation. Her eyes searching for any kindling of magic..... Nothing.

"NO! NO! NO!" she exclaimed. "Why won't it work!?"

Amity stirred in her sleep, but there was no magic or sign of improvement.

Luz repeated the spell.

"Restore what is lost, fix what is in disrepair, with this spell a cast, let us no longer despair!"

Once again nothing happened.

She was beginning to get annoyed.

"Restore what is lost, fix what is in disrepair, with this spell a cast, let us no longer despair!?" Nothing. "No longer despair!"

She began to cry.

"AGH COME ON!" she yelled.

She fell onto her knees. 

"WHY WON'T IT JUST WORK!" she cried in frustration.

She tried to look at Amity, but she couldn't bear it. The guilt in her stomach churned and churned making her sick. She couldn't think of anything but Amity, and how it felt like the weight of the world was slowly crushing her down, further and further. She rubbed her eyes, realizing how exhausted she was. She got up and scrambled onto her bed. She awkwardly squished in next to Amity. She lay on her side gazing at her. 

'She's gorgeous...'

Luz shook her head and shut her eyes tightly, her cheeks burning. She opened her eyes and the same word flashed across her mind.


She pushed Amity's green hair behind her pointed ear. She wanted to blurt it all out, to admit her feelings right there and then, but she couldn't. She knew that Amity, as much as Luz could wish, would never be hers. She'd have to watch Amity leave her, knowing things could've been different. But something held her back.

She was a human.... Amity was a witch. Not only that but she knew in her heart that Amity didn't feel the same. She felt her eyes begin to heavier... and heavier... and heavier. Luz yawned.

"I'm sorry Amity..." she apologized.

The next thing Luz knew, her lips were on Amity's cheek. Luz blushed vigourisly.

"Did I just kiss her?"

She placed her hands on her lips embarrassed. She shut her eyes tight and lay there regretting what she had done. She felt tears in her eyes when suddenly she heard...


Luz opened her eyes to see Amity had placed her pale hand on Luz's pillow. Luz took her hand and Amity smiled faintly. Luz felt butterflies in her stomach.

"I-I'm here," she blurted.

Amity squeezed her hand softly. "Luz..."

Luz held her hand until she finally drifted off to sleep in the dim candlelight of Luz's room.

And that was where Eda found them. The two girls huddled together on the bed, the one comforting the other. Eda smiled sadly.

"Just friends huh..."

She carefully shut the door behind her waiting for the morning to arrive, with some unexpected news...



Hey guys thank you so much for all the votes, comments and reads on Powerless! I won't be able to write as often due to studying and tests but I will post new chapters whenever I can!

Please go support my friend doop_the_dumpling, she is an amazing writer and is very underrated, please go read her fanfiction and her original story Ghost Me.

Thank you!


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