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Luz stayed by Amity's side while she slept. She wanted to be mad at her, if Amity had told her before none of this would have happened, but Luz just couldn't. She cared to much about her and she knew it wouldn't help Amity at all. Willow and Gus had gone home shortly after the incident, once Luz had promised to keep in touch with them, and tell them when she recovered. She couldn't just send Amity home, there would be too much explaining to do. So Eda agreed to nurse Amity back to health, until she was strong enough. But Luz doubted she ever would be. Amity hadn't stopped shaking, she was as white as a sheet of paper, and her temperature hadn't dropped. Her breathing was strained, as if every breath was agony. Luz hated seeing Amity like this. Her once golden eyes were shut tight, and every part of Luz wanted to take her place, to ease her of her pain. She tried to think what could have happened to her. But she couldn't. She placed her hand on Amity's cheek. 

"I'm so sorry..." she said guiltily. 

Eda put her hands on Luz's shoulders. 

"It's not your fault kid, it's no one's fault, none of could have seen this coming, not even her."

 Luz shook her head. "I should have known..."

 Eda sighed and lifted Amity's frail arm, checking for  pulse. "Its getting weaker..." she frowned. 

Luz looked into Eda's big, yellow eyes. "There has to be a way to help her!" 

Eda looked at Luz sympathetically. "Look, kid. If she had she magic taken away.... there isn't anything we can do. I'm so sorry." 

Luz was confused. "What do you mean sorry? She'll be okay right?"

She clenched Amity's hand, expecting the worst. Eda didn't want to tell Luz, she knew it would her. But she had to, so that Luz could understand it and accept it.

"Luz... when a witch runs out of the magic in their magic vial..." she sighed. "They...."

Luz's eyes filled with tears. Eda pulled her into a hug.


Luz couldn't believe her ears. "NO!" she said furiously. "She WILL be okay!" 

Eda knew there was nothing she could do to help Luz accept Amity's fate, she would have to accept herself.

Luz shuddered. "Ca-can I have some time alone."

Eda nodded sympathetically and shut the door behind her.


Hours passed by and Luz still hadn't found anyway to help Amity. She had been through all of Eda's books and there was nothing. She looked over at Amity, who lay shaking on her bed. 

"Maybe Eda was right..." she said at a loss for hope. 

She was about to give up... when she remembered. Her face lit up, with hope. She slung her bag over her shoulder and opened her window. 

"I'll be back Amity! You aren't getting away from me that easy!"

She slid through the window and climbed onto the lawn below. The moon shone bright above her. The stars glistened. The Isles were at rest. And so was the house demon, Hooty. She grinned from ear to ear and set of in the direction of the town of Bonesborough.


The Library was deserted. Thanks to the help of Amity's siblings Edric and Emir she managed to successfully sneak into the library. She searched through the rows and rows of books scanning for something, anything. When a book caught her eyes.

'Anatomy of a Witch'

She picked it out.

"Perfect!" she exclaimed.

"Watcha got there?"

Luz jumped and turned around to see said siblings.

"What is someone like you doing in the library at this hour?" chuckled Emira. "Is mittens here too?"

Luz's stomach filled with guilt at the mention of Amity. She didn't mean to but she began to cry.

The twins, taken by surprise walked over to comfort her.

"Hey, umm, it's okay!" Emira said awkwardly.

Edric patted her on the back reassuringly.

"I'm sure she's fine Em, right Luz?"

Luz stared at the floor. Edric frowned.

"Right?" he asked again.

Luz clenched the cuffs of her shorts. She looked at Ed and Em with tears in her eyes. Her face was filled with pain.

"Ed... Em... ca-can I be honest?" she asked shakily.

Both of them nodded.

"Take your time," Em said softly.

"Amity... she..." Luz took a shaky breath and continued. "She doesn't have magic and she... she's."

The twins shared a look of understanding. Emira wiped away Luz's tears, while her own eyes filled with them. Edric eyes went wide as he realized what she meant. Although they didn't show it they loved their sister.

"If you want, we can help you find what your'e looking for?" Ed said sympathetically.

Luz wiped her eyes. "That would be great thank you."

The three of them sat down at the nearest table and began to search for a way to fix the issue at hand. Luz cast some light spells to better their vision, as the candle that they held was flickering and dimming. The sun had begun to rise when they finally found it. All of their faces lit up spontaneously. Luz felt herself overflowing with joy.

"I'VE GOT IT!" she exclaimed.

Ed and Em leaned over her shoulders.

"What is it?" they asked.

Luz read it aloud. "'To restore one's magic, one must either share their magic, or transfer it to another. This is a successful, but dangerous solution. It must be used only in the gravest situations.'"

Luz smiled at the Blight siblings, but both looked concerned.

"Luz, maybe this isn't a good idea..." Emira cautioned.

Edric nodded his head in agreement. "Ya, let's just leave it."

Luz looked at the book, then back the twins. "I can't, it may be dangerous, but it's all I've got, and I have to help her, I can't live with knowing I could have saved her."

Ed and Em knew they couldn't stop her so they just sighed. "Well, good luck Luz! You'll need it."

They escorted Luz to the exit before saying good bye, and returning inside to study. Luz held the book close to her chest and started back home.

"I hope Eda didn't notice I left," she said to herself.

She set off down the winding roads of the town and climbed the hill up to the Owl House.


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