(Non)Libero Will

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Wednesday afternoon

Walking into the cafeteria, I always felt like I had been dirtied and soiled. Chemistry was always the one class that Evan decided to feel me up -- his fingers going into place that they should not be going into. He tried to get me to make moans and bend to his will and the teacher didn't care because he was mostly on his computer while we did the experiments.

I wondered if the teacher would even stop Evan if he had seen what he was doing to me. The school seemed to turn the other way when it involved the menace that was Evan Hale. The students however, they weren't. But, there wasn't much you could do when faced with the Hale family name. 

They were rich and well known in the community. They had a reputation, although I wasn't sure just what that reputation was. For the students not wanting to get involved, then my best guess would have been fear and power.

The Hale family name demanded respect.

We could do nothing in their grand plans and schemes.

We were just pawns for them to do what they wanted with. 

A shiver went through me and I was pulled onto Evan's lap as we sat down at the end of the table. 

His table... With his grueling and terrible friends. 

I stared down at the table in front of me. I wanted to do nothing more than to not be here. I wanted to be at home with my mother. I wanted to be with my cousin in Canada and never look back. 

I wanted to be safe.

Evan grabbed my thigh harshly, bringing me out of my thoughts. On reflex, I quickly went to take his hand away from me. The grip was strong and seemingly angry, and my leg was crying out in pain.

"Hands. On. The table," Evan ordered darkly in my ear. My hands froze as they were half way to reaching his own. I took too long to comply because he ushered another demand to me. "Now, Nat," he added. 

I was temporarily frozen, not sure if I wanted to listen to what he said. I knew what would happen if I listened to him. Those hands would go down to someplace that they shouldn't. But...what could I do to stop him?

My hands started to tremble with defeat as I placed them down on the table in front of me. His other hand unbuttoned my pants. I tensed at the action. I didn't want this to happen. "Evan..." I whispered, my voice broken. "Please don't do this. Please...!" I pleaded. I knew that my words would fall on deaf ears as they usually would. 

There was a moment where he paused at what he was doing. I thought for a brief second that he would listen to me -- that he would take my words into consideration. I hoped that he would come to his senses and let me go. 

His hand then mercilessly dove in between my thighs. His fingers finding their way to where he wanted them to go. I opened my mouth to say something else, but I had to stifle a moan that tried to escape my lips when he began to finger me. I bit my lip harshly to prevent any other noises from escaping from my betraying mouth. 

A few seconds passed and he added another finger slowly. I could feel him begin to stretch me out. I shook my head and began to squirm to try and leave. His other hand was kept sternly on my thigh and merely tightened his grip. 

Having enough of everything, I slammed my head into the table mercilessly. My forehead smacked against the plastic table, which caused me to start seeing small black stars at the edge of my vision. I was hoping that if I did it hard enough that I would pass out and not have to take this.

This was torture. 

"We didn't get to finish our experiment earlier, did we?" He asked with glee. I clenched my eyes shut as I silently started to sob. My body began to shake from my crying. I could feel the tears that were trailing down my cheeks. 

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