Chapter 15: ...The Mice Will Play?

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It was day two without Veronica and Bobby was trying to stay busy.

"Hey man, what's," Lucas looked around the kitchen, "Are you ok?"

Bobby was covered in flour and there were broken eggs everywhere. "Yeah, why?"

"'ve made, what five...." the oven buzzed, "I mean, six dozen cupcakes?"

Bobby glanced around the kitchen, "Oh, well...Gary was hungry so I thought, why not be prepared for later."

"Right..... That's logical."

"Hey Bobby! Ohhh, cupcakes! For us?! That is the sweetest!" Emily grabbed one.

"Actually, they're for Gary." Emily had been following him around like a crazy person. He thought he had made it clear to her that he wasn't interested. She seemed like a sweet girl but he was already taken, even if they weren't back together just yet.

Lucas laughed at that and Emily looked sad, "Oh."

Bobby felt bad, "Which means you better grab what you can. He'll be here soon." She laughed.

"Any sprinkles?" She winked at him.

He laughed, "I'm sure we have some in the pantry. I'll go look."

"I'll help you." She got up and followed him, shutting the door behind them.

Lucas did not trust these girls. They were desperate to stay in the Villa at any cost. Which was bad. He started to get up and go save Bobby from what was bound to happen next when he heard a shout.

"What are you doing?! I told you I'm with Veronica!"

"Oh please! She's playing you! Everyone can see it!"

Bobby pulled the door open and stepped back outside. "You've only seen what this damn show wants you to see! I'm trying to be nice but it's not going to happen."

Emily glared at him, "You don't think she'll meet someone in there? Don't be stupid." She stormed off hollering for a girls meeting.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "Girl's meeting? Guess we won't be invited." He laughed, "I was about to come save you from that."

Bobby sat down, "She's a bit grabby. Be careful around her."

Lucas laughed, "Damn. She's not wasting any time I guess?"

They heard giggling and saw the two girls from yesterday who never introduced themselves

Bobby gestured toward them, "What were their names again?"

Lucas shrugged. "Am I an ass if I say, I don't really care?" They both laughed

Bobby shook his head. "Is it only day two? I can't do this."

"Sure you can. Just have fun. You know, jokes, laughs. You're focusing too much on missing her. They'll be back soon."


Last night before going to bed the girls found suitcases packed by their partners. Veronica's had a protein bar with a note that said, 'For that BDE' she also found an extremely oversized white shirt that Jakub had wrote 'Wildcat' on with a sharpie. She threw both in the trash.

Currently she was sitting by the pool listening to the guys talk about how they pick up women. Clubs, dating apps, nothing too unusual. Arjun used dogs which Veronica thought was cheesy but also cute. It was Jonno's turn. He looked uncomfortable.

"Oh well, I've been busy volunteering at the homeless shelter lately. I like knowing they'll get a home cooked meal. But when I am looking for a lady I normally look online. I don't like one night stands. Looking to settle down."

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