Chapter 4: It's Only Day 2

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"Veronica, wake up, I need to talk to you."

Veronica forced her eyes open to see Lottie staring at her.

"Geez Lottie!"

"Shhh!" She put a finger up to her mouth and pointed to one of the beds that had Hope and Noah under the covers giggling. "Don't bother the married couple. Can we go upstairs and talk?"

"Uhhh, yeah sure. I'll be right there."

Lottie smiled and walked off.

𝑾𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍, 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔

"What do you think she wants?" Bobby whispered next to her

Veronica jumped.

"What is up with everyone scaring me today?!"

Bobby chuckled, "Sorry, wasn't my intention. You sleep ok?"

Veronica stretched and rubbed her eyes, "actually yeah, better than normal. You're pretty comfy."

Bobby smiled, "That's why I don't have huge muscles. Cuddly is always better."

"Bobby, you're totally fit."

"I know," Bobby sighed, "It's such a crime being the ultimate package. Looks, personality....cupcakes. I don't even know why the others try."

Veronica giggled. "You're such a goofball. Don't ever change."

"Pinky promise I won't. So, better go talk to Lottie and I guess I still need to have a chat with Rocco."

Veronica looked down at her hands.

"Hey, you know that wasn't your fault right? He was in the wrong, not you." He looked at her picking at the cover, "Don't forget we need to chat too."

She sighed, "yeah, I know."

He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Everything is going to work out. Now go get ready."


Veronica found Lottie on the roof terrace drinking some tea. She looked a little sad.

"Hey, what did you want to talk about?"

Lottie looked up. Then looked away.

"I actually wanted to apologize. For last night. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you." She got up and walked over to the railing and leaned on it with her back facing Veronica. "I talk a big talk about girl code and being loyal yet I can be so quick to judge."

Veronica let the words hang in the air. She was actually really shocked she was getting an apology. She assumed an apology from Lottie was a hard thing to get. She walked over to Lottie and looked over the lawn.

"Listen, I understand why you got defensive. It was Day 1 and I came at you telling you something......" she thought about how to word it, "not nice about your partner. Then Priya showed up and I know it must have been overwhelming for you." She looked at Lottie, she seemed to be debating what she just heard.

"I'd like to be friends Lottie. I can tell you have a big heart and care about others...." she nudged her, "Maybe a little too much sometimes." She laughed and saw Lottie smile. "Friends?"

Lottie turned to face Veronica. She smiled. "Friends." They hugged. " I talked to Rocco and he told me what happened. He's claiming he had too much to drink but I don't believe that. He was wrong. I'm sorry you had to experience it."

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