Chapter 24: The most beautiful form of love

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Veronica woke up alone. Remembering the night before, she pulled the comforter over her and allowed a few more tears to fall. Feeling the bed shift, she wiped her eyes and came out of her safe place. Lucas was sitting on the edge of the bed with a plate of eggs.

"Eat. No more tears, ok?"

She took the plate from him. "Thanks. How are you so calm?"

They heard Cara yelling at Mark to put more burn cream on her face.

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Because we're taking that bitch out soon."

Veronica grinned and hugged him. "Fuck yes we are."

They watched as she came walking out of the bathroom, face covered in a thick cream to soothe the burns that Lottie had caused.

"Omg, Cara! What happened to your face?! Looks painful."

She glared at Veronica and kept walking, Mark following quickly behind her. 

Lucas chuckled. "Lottie does know how to leave a lasting impression."

"And we love her for it." 

They held each other's hands, a silent agreement settling between them. They had to start the plan as soon as possible. Time was not on their side.

"You ready for this?" He arched an eyebrow.

"To be swept up? Absolutely." She winked.

As if fate was smiling upon them, they announced a kissing challenge that afternoon. Veronica assumed it was the show's sorry attempt to lighten the mood, because with only five days left, why would they need to kiss someone else?

There was a huge bottle on a turntable and whoever it landed on had to figure out who the secret revealed was about and kiss them. Lucas thought it was ironic that this challenge was almost identical to the first kissing challenge that had gotten Veronica and Bobby together, only now it would be for them to sell their version of soulmates.

Veronica wasn't paying attention at all; she was just waiting for her turn to guess. The answer would be Lucas no matter what. She was wearing Bobby's bandana around her wrist and she felt indestructible. Her mind wandered to what he was doing right now, he had said he was going to her parents’ and her heart burst with happiness knowing that they would all be cheering her on, together. She was pulled from her thoughts as Lucas approached her.

She realized as he placed a hand on the back of her neck, that his turn must have come first, leaning into her, he whispered. "Are you ok?"

She nodded and bit her lip, knowing everyone was watching. The kiss was slow but showed just enough to make people curious about what the hell just happened. Veronica's red-face helped add to the suspicion, as did Lucas clearing his throat and walking quickly back to his spot, looking down at his feet.

"What was that? I 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘 it! Bobby's not even gone for a day and you've moved on!" Cara was fuming.

Veronica looked at Lucas. This bitch was eating out of their hands. 

"Cara. You wanted Bobby to leave because he hit you! If that's true, why would I want to continue a relationship with someone just like my ex? Unless you were lying?" She crossed her arms, glaring at the blonde.

Lucas spoke up. "Come on, Veronica. Who would lie about something like that? No one's that awful, right?"

"He... I might have misjudged the situation..." 

Chelsea scrunched up her face in confusion. "So, did he hit you or not? Because you said he did and if he didn't that's really uncool, Cara!"

"Lottie threw tea in my face!"

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