Chapter 8: Snake in the Villa

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All the Islanders were shocked. Bobby? Vulnerable of being dumped? It had to be wrong.

Veronica laughed a little, "Ok Priya. Ha Ha, you got us. Who does it really say?"

Priya looked really awkward, "Babe. It says Bobby."

"No, that has to be a mistake, right?" She looked at the group but no one would make eye contact with her. "Right???"

"I'm sorry Veronica. That's what it says."

Bobby wasn't shocked at all. His "Evil Producer" theory was looking pretty accurate. He was about to say something when all hell broke loose.

"Well I hope you're happy with yourself Marisol! How dare you betray the group! What do you have against Veronica?!" Lottie was over Marisol messing with her friend.

"Me?! You think I did this? I voted for Lucas!"

"Oh yeah, sure you did. If that was true then he would be the third person!" she glanced in his direction, "No offense Lucas."

"It's ok, I understand your reasoning."

"Everyone say who you voted for. I voted for Rocco. Veronica?"


"Ibrahim. Priya?"


"See? Plain as day."

Marisol was ready for battle and her sights were set on Veronica. "Explain to me why I would vote for Bobby!? I told you girls earlier that I like him. Removing the only guy in here that I see a future with would just be absurd!"

Everyone looked confused when she said that and they looked at Bobby who shook his head.

Hope was annoyed, "What are you talking about Marisol? You know that Bobby is not a choice for you or anyone else. He's with Veronica."

Marisol scoffed, "Oh yeah. Everyone defend Veronica. Perfect Veronica. She's been jumping around like a ping pong ball, first Bobby, then Rocco, then Lucas and now she's back to Bobby until a new guy comes in. If you ask me she's just a little slut."

Before she could finish the word Veronica launched herself at Marisol but Bobby caught her by the arm before she could get there. "Don't you ever call me that! Understand?! Why do you hate me so much? I didn't do anything to you!"

"I have my reasons! You can't be friends with everyone. Some people just don't like you, shocking I know....Life's not a fairy tale, Veronica."

"You don't think I know that? I'm well aware of how messed up and ugly the world is. I'm living proof!"

Marisol rolled her eyes, "You know what they say, once a slut always a sl-"

"Hey! Watch your mouth!" Bobby wasn't going to let her continue bashing his girl. "Marisol, I'm not sure when your wires got crossed to make you think that there could ever be a future for me and you, but I can promise you, there isn't. Ok? It's not going to happen." He did not need this shit on top of what happened earlier.

Veronica stayed quiet. Marisol didn't know about her past and she would not allow herself to blow up again. She wasn't worth it. "This is useless, I'm going to bed." Bobby followed her.

"That's probably a good idea for all of us." Noah knew this needed to end as quickly as possible he could literally hear Lottie sharpening her nails.

Lottie gave Marisol a death stare. "Dogs sleep outside, Babe." Lucas grabbed her arm and guided her away from the circle. When they made it to the living room he started laughing.

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