Chapter 5: A Kiss and A Lie

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"And that's why the girl I want to couple up with is.....Veronica."

Veronica broke into a smile. She walked over a hugged Bobby giving him a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." He squeezed her and they went and sat down.

This recoupling wasn't really too shocking. Noah chose Hope, Ibrahim chose Priya, Rocco chose Lottie, obviously Bobby just chose Veronica and now it was down to Gary. His choices were Marisol or Hannah.

Although Veronica was super happy to not be going home and getting back in her "friendship" couple with Bobby she was disgusted with Gary. He knew he wasn't choosing Hannah and yet he never told her. Lottie was about to go off and drama would intensify. Bobby squeezed Veronica's hand.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, just annoyed at him."

"I know you are but it's his decision. Even if it makes him look bad."

As soon as Bobby finished his sentence Gary chose Marisol. The group clapped.

"Uhhh excuse me? What about Hannah?" Lottie was pissed.


"No Hope! Shut it! This is so unfair!"

Noah stepped in, "Look, everyone needs to calm down." He turned to Hannh, "Come on, Hope and I will help you pack."

"Thank you." Hannah said looking down at the ground.

"Poor Hannah."

"What does that mean Veronica? You got something to say?!"

Veronica raised an eyebrow, "To you? Absolutely not."

Gary glared at her.

Bobby jumped up, "Hey, everyone is just upset because she's the first to go. Let's go say goodbye and calm down. This is going to be a thing that happens from now on." He looked at Veronica who looked sad, "But, we need to be honest about how we feel about people we are coupled with especially if they will not be safe." He shot a pointed look at Gary who looked like he actually felt bad about his decision, a little bit at least.

"Yeah, Bobby's right." Said Priya, "let's go."

They said their goodbyes to Hannah and walked back inside. Veronica was going to miss Hannah. Yes, she was a dreamer but she knew who she was and she owned it. Lottie was sitting on her bed when Veronica walked in.

"You want to talk?"

"I'm going to miss her so much. She was beautiful."

"She was definitely one in a million."

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you. Maybe tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure. No problem."

Lottie smiled and pulled the covers up over her head. Bobby patted the bed.

"Ready to cuddle?"

Veronica gave him a weak smile and snuggled up under the covers.

"I feel bad."

"Because of Hannah?"

"No, well kind of, I might be harder on Gary than I should be."

"Interesting, and why is that? You fancy him?" Bobby wiggled his eyebrows

Veronica giggled and slapped his arm, "God No! Stop! He actually looks like a blonde version of Travis."

"Seriously? That's crazy."

"Yeah, it's tough to talk to him without hating him and I know that's not fair."

Bobby pulled her into his arms, "No one said you have to talk to him. You got me for that."

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