Chapter 26: #Goals

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"A piece of paper won't change that."

Bobby watched Veronica tap her nose three times, knowing she was talking to him. 

Misty looked over at him, pity on her face. "She didn't really mean that. She 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 want to get married... someday."


Bobby forced a smile and excused himself upstairs. He had been stupid to think it would make sense to propose to her so soon. Of course she wasn't ready, they'd only known each other for twenty-something days. That was nothing.

It just felt right to him. Almost as if all the bullshit they'd been through was the universe's way of saying, "Hey, look! You're not completely alone. This person gets it." He pulled up Twitter, scrolling through all the comments about the show so far when someone knocked on his door.

"Mind if I come in?" Misty poked her head through the doorway. "I brought hot chocolate."


She handed him a mug and sat down next to him. "I've known Veronica for a long time. You don't have anything to worry about."

He took a drink. "I’m not worried."

Misty raised an eyebrow at him. "You're a terrible liar."

"I just don't want to overwhelm her."

"I'm not sure what show you've been watching, but Veronica does what she wants."

He smiled. "That's the truth."

"Listen Bobby, I think you have this idea in your head that unless you give Veronica a ring with the promise of forever that she'll leave you, but all she wants and needs is someone who is kind, and honest, and loves her as she is. Don't overcomplicate things."

"I just want her to know how much I care for her."

Misty hugged him. "She knows. We all do."


Chelsea woke everyone up with a squeal. 

Cara still had her eye mask on and somehow rolled out of bed and onto the floor which made Veronica giggle.

Getting up off the floor, she sneered at the blonde. "Do you only have two modes? Fucking obnoxious and loud?"

Blake threw a pillow at the overdramatic burn victim. "Cara, shut up. She's just excited."

Chelsea nodded enthusiastically. "Yes!!! Exactly!!! I just got a text and it's ahhhmazing!!"

"What does it say?"

"We get to talk to our families!!!"

Veronica couldn't help but be excited. She missed her family so much and she hoped Misty would be included. She couldn't wait to hear what they had to say about everything.

Lucas had a frown on his face and she put her hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"My family? I have nothing to say to them."

"I'm sorry. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. Maybe you can ask Josh to just skip it?"

Lucas nodded. "Yeah, I'll talk to him."

Veronica stood up and stretched her arms above her head. "I'm going to get ready and then make us coffee. Two sugars, right?"

"Make it three." He went downstairs hoping to speak to Josh when he heard someone whispering his name. 

Looking around the living room, he saw a girl standing inside a doorway that he thought was just a closet.

"Lucas. Come here." She motioned him over. 

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