Chapter 25: Boring legal paperwork

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"Hey, good morning! Hungry?"

Veronica nodded and took a seat next to Lucas as Henrik handed her a plate of eggs and toast.

"Thanks, where's Chels?"

Henrik winced and pointed towards the roof terrace as they heard Cara's high-pitched voice pierce the morning calm.

"You have small hands so I 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 you would be better than Mark!"

"Cara, I told you I didn't know what I was doing!"

Within minutes they heard both women making their way downstairs. Lucas smirked at Veronica and patted his leg.

"Come here."

Grinning, she sat in his lap, laying her head against his. Like a moth to a flame, Cara set her sights on them, rolling her eyes.

"Aren't you a doctor?"

Lucas shook his head and sipped his coffee. "Nope."

She glared at him. "You help others with injuries. I need your assistance."

"I'm busy enjoying my morning. Go to medical."

Veronica giggled and grabbed a piece of toast, pausing mid-bite she looked at Cara. "Ugh, I'm losing my appetite. Cover that up."

Chelsea snickered behind Henrik, just irritating Cara more. She pointed a finger at Veronica and Lucas.

"You two better be ready to leave soon. The public won't like this."

Blake walked up and scoffed. "Let's see... falling for a genuine love story or being pissed you lied about Bobby? I think I can figure out who will leave next."

Cara glared at the brunette. "You lied about Bobby too!"

Mark raised an eyebrow. "Too?"

She opened her mouth to speak but thought better of it and stormed off towards medical.

He sighed watching her go. "I hope they do vote us out soon. I'm exhausted." 

"You should probably go with her before she blames the medical team for doing something outrageous." Noah took a drink of orange juice.

Chelsea squealed. "Text! I got a text!"

"What does it say?"

"It's a challenge called ‘Happily Ever After!’"

Lucas whispered to Veronica. "How are you feeling?"

"Nervous. We really need to win this."

He nodded. They needed to do well in these challenges. Josh said they were endgame but he was not about to put his or Veronica's fate in the hands of a producer. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. They were told to leave them on silent in case Josh needed them for something. A quick glance confirmed who it was from.

"Hey, Darling, I think I'm going to go get a shower real quick." 

Veronica moved off his lap and nodded. Darling was his tell that he had a text from Josh.

"I'll join you in a bit." She winked at him.


Bobby had been through a lot in his life, but sitting across from Veronica's father had him stressed to the max. 

"So, you wanted to talk? Let's talk." Mr. Palmer folded his hands in front of him, staring Bobby down. 

"Sir, I love your daughter."

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