The entire team was there in the Shellraiser the night after last, including April and Casey. They rode around Manhattan on their nightly patrol and told the story about what happened with the Triceraton.
"Whoa, that Triceraton sounds so cool!" Casey reacted, hanging onto a handle on the ceiling. "I wish I could have fought a real, live Dino dude.""Are you sure about that?" (Y/N) asked in the same tone as John Cena.
"Yeah, he would have stomped you into a Casey puddle 5 seconds into the fight." Raph replied.
"Whatever, you guys." Casey said. "Casey Jones eats dinosaur meat for breakfast!"
"Eugh, reptile meat?" (Y/N) asked with a disgusted look. "Sounds gross."
"You've never had turtle soup?" Leo asked, still focusing on the road. "Well, thank god for that..."
"Um, guys, hate to break up the conversation, but someone has been following us for the last 5 blocks or so." Donnie alerted.
"Really? Weird, I don't sense anyone." April said, going up to Donnie.
"Well, see for yourself." The humans of the group peered towards the screen to notice a slightly fancy black convertible-looking car tailing the Shellraiser. After their vehicle turned a corner, the mysterious car did too.
"Do ya see him, Leo?" (Y/N) asked.
The car sped up and swerved beside the Shellraiser, and everyone noticed who was driving. Turns out it was a Kraang disguised as a businessman with shades.
"It's a Kraang!" Donnie exclaimed.
Suddenly it swerved right in front of them and drove away."After him!" (Y/N) exclaimed, taking two long paces up to Leo and his driving station. He pressed harder onto the gas and went as fast as the van could. Each sharp turn made them get a little bit behind at their speed. Once they turned a corner into an alley, he was gone, and the entire inconspicuous car vanished. As soon as the van stopped with a subway tune, everyone ran outside.
"He's gone!" Leo exclaimed. April noticed a marking on the wall that usually wasn't there.
"Guys, check it out." She said, making everyone gather around.
"Turtles. 3117 Bayfront Street. Midnight... and a familiar logo?" (Y/N) told the message aloud.
"It's a chess piece... a bishop." Leo said, examining it closer.
"What does that mean?" Casey asked, rubbing the back of his head.
"Is it some sort of code that's supposed to switch letters into numbers?" Donnie asked.
"I dunno, but let's find out." Leo answered, about to enter the Shellraiser.
"Are you sure about this, Leo?" Raph asked, getting to his defense station in the vehicle. "This could obviously be a trap."
"We're going to have to take that risk." He replied, getting in his seat and going in reverse for a little, before driving further down the street.
Minutes later, they arrived at the corner of Bayfront that leads into a sketchy butcher shop. They hid behind it, trying to stay quiet until Raph busted out an opinion.
"For the record, I think this is a terrible idea, Leo. It's got to be a trap!""Can you be slightly louder for the entire block to hear?" (Y/N) asked in a whisper tone. Raph glared over his shoulder.
"Something's up, and I've got to know what." Leo told him.
"Dudes, this is the same meat warehouse where we fought Tiger Claw." Mikey reminded the others, hanging off the side of a building. "Come on, I know a back entrance." He jumped down, ran away from the alley, and the others followed.

The Voided Heart - Sub!Leonardo X Reader
Hayran Kurgu"This can't be real... I can't believe this. Will my heart break, or will his? Inevitably I will cause all of those sins And then I'll repay by my life to an end! It goes to show I don't deserve him I am the cloud, and he's the silver rim And I'm ju...