Leo and (Y/N) took off their helmets and jumped into the front right station, while Raph and Donnie manned the front left, Mikey and Casey on the back right, and April on the back left. The droid powered up the stations and they went flying past the broken planets. He drifted past each rock so quickly that they felt a little rumble as if it scratched on one.
"Urgh, get me off this boat ride already!" Raph exclaimed frantically, leaning forwards into his seat.
"Dudes, how 'bout I drive?" Mikey asked the Fugitoid, who ignored him while heading straight in between two huge asteroids.
Everyone screamed and braced for their lives as they barely went through them. A trail of oil was left behind when they finally escaped."That was so METAL!!!" Casey yelled, pumping his fists to the air.
"Whew... He-hey! A field of dozens of planetoids won't deter us!" Zaytan said like he's in a sitcom. "Am I right or am I right?"
"Are you kidding me?" Leo asked, turning to him from his seat. "We almost bought it back there!"
"Exactly, almost!" He replied with glee, then turned to April. "Almost is a beautiful phenomenon, isn't it?"
"Uh, sir, we're still running out of fuel, what are we gonna do?" (Y/N) asked.
"Drop by an alien space port, of course!" He said, calibrating his computer to gather information of a greenish planet. "I mean, there's one right there! No biggie, Planet Varanon."
"Cool, but warning, I don't understand this language, but..." She opened her translator on her gloves. "Oh, cool, forgot it did that. It says it's infested with thieves, rogues, pirates, and smugglers."
"I like it already!" Raph replied with a grin.
The ship slowly landed into the atmosphere, with green skies and a few planets that seem very close to Varanon, almost like moons. There lies a small town on a cliff with more ships flying past. After the ship landed, the door opened up and expanded down to the ground, for the team to walk out on.
"This space port is not a part of the Federation, so do be careful!" Zaytan warned."No worries, Fuge. We're out like vanilla ice!" Casey said, walking past. "Peace!"
They explored as a group for a while, walking through the bustling town with amphibious aliens and reptilian extraterrestrials. Then Leo came up with a decision.
"Alright, let's split up and check out the place. We'll meet back at the ship in 20 minutes, cool?"
Everyone nodded and they all split off in different directions. As always, Leo and (Y/N) paired up and walked together. He glanced over at a tall, multicolored alien woman, but turned straight away."What were you looking at?" She asked, making him yelp.
"Uhh... alright, her..." He said with guilt as he pointed towards her a little. She reacted in a way that was very unexpected for Leo.
"Ooh, she is pretty." She placed her fingers shaped like an L on her chin.
"Wh-what? You're not mad?" He asked, leaning into her sight.
"Heh, nah, I admit that lady is good-lookin'." She looked back at him with a smirk.
"Agreed, but I'm NOT cheating on you." Leo assured her.

The Voided Heart - Sub!Leonardo X Reader
Fanfiction"This can't be real... I can't believe this. Will my heart break, or will his? Inevitably I will cause all of those sins And then I'll repay by my life to an end! It goes to show I don't deserve him I am the cloud, and he's the silver rim And I'm ju...