Still Corrupted

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The Fugitoid's ship blended itself into the asteroid field surrounding a gloomy violet planet with a red lining. Donnie was meeting up with Leo in the holo room to bring him to the small meeting, letting everyone get off of their stations and observe the planet in front of them. Next to it was one of the Triceraton battleships, hovering above the atmosphere between the space rocks and the planet.

"... I'm just gonna say this now: something feels very off about this mission." April warned.

"How so?" (Y/N) asked, turning back at her from the railings and the terminals.

"The atmosphere feels like it's... possessed by evil." She told her. "I don't know, maybe my powers are going crazy on me again."

"Heh, I can relate." The girls smiled at each other while (Y/N)'s tentacle unintentionally appeared from her hand. She used the other to smack down at it retracted into its place, but then winced, finding the stitched-up scar from Varanon.

"Okay, so we go into that planet in our stealth shuttle, find out where the Black Hole piece is and get it before the Triceratons do." Raph announced. "Great, now let's meet up with the others."

Everyone, including the Fugitoid dropped down into randomly assigned seats making a circle around the center, surrounding where Zaytan's miniature pilot station is. A hologram keyboard with all shades of orange displayed in front of the floating seats that the teenagers took. A giant whooshing noise emitted from above, and as soon as they know it, the shuttle detached from its position. They made their way to the planet, speeding through faster than the normal ship.

"Activating cloak..." Donnie told the others, typing away and spinning something on the pad. The outside of the ship blended into its surroundings and safely, they made it into the atmosphere and landed onto an open space surrounded by violet and red vegetation. Everyone has put on their helmets, except for the droid, and after a path was made for them to walk down from, they stepped foot onto the vast planet of Xaava-Dal.

"You said this planet was beautiful?" Casey asked in a disappointed tone.

"I guess he thought we had a different definition of beautiful." Y/N commented.

"No, no, no, it used to be a lot more gorgeous than this." The Fugitoid replied, puzzled. "What has happened to this world?"

"If so, then April is right, this world might be under some sinister control." Y/N said, looking at April. "Listen to the psychic, y'all."

"Thank you." She responded. "Alright, let's make our way to the Black Hole generator piece."

"This way, my friends!" Zaytan exclaimed in enthusiasm, guiding everyone else forward from the ship.


The team depended on Donnie to use his scanner on his hi-tech bo-staff and guide them around. Suddenly, Y/N stumbled and smacked her side right into a tree. With a wince, she pulled away and spread her arms slightly wide and stopped walking. Mikey turned around from the line and noticed her uneasiness.

"You okay, dudette?" He asked, walking over to put a hand on her shoulder. Leo turned back and slightly frowned, and everyone else turned around and gave their attention to her.

"Yep, it's probably just vertigo from being on a ship for too long." She assumed, then suddenly her tendrils grew out and made spikes towards her face and attacked her. Out of instinct, she stepped backwards until her heel reached a branch. But then, her tendrils returned, and she was left staring at her hands. "The hell was that about?"

April placed her hands on her head. "Oh man, (Y/N), it's not vertigo. The beast could be trying to take over you again since I can barely even sense what's happening in your head."

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