"Alright, guys, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go hunt." Leo said, about to walk out the door.
"You sure you could still do it alone?" Raph asked.
"Yeah, I believe my leg is healed now." Leo said, wiggling his leg a little.
"Well then don't you even think about leaving without this." (Y/N) said, going up to him.
"Without what?" Leo asked. Without an answer, (Y/N) pecked him on the lips and pulled away. He blushed with wide eyes.
"That. Alright, love you." She said, patting his shoulder.
"L-love you too." He stuttered, going out the door. (Y/N) dashed to the living room and looked out the front window, watching him for a little like a dog when its owner is on their way to work.
She yelped and turned to see the others walk into the living room. Her face flushed a bright pink. "Wh-what do you mean finally?"
"You guys are finally together! Duh." Mikey replied.
"It takes time to catch feelings. Especially to someone you're... in love... with..."
"I'm not so sure about the 'in love' part." Donnie spoke up. Raph rolled his eyes. "I mean, we're still teenagers, y'know. Usually people find their soulmate when they are middle aged. And besides, you guys just started being together. If you two would keep your relationship for 3 years, I might change my mind."
"You're probably right." (Y/N) said. "But... I just felt this... deeper connection, somehow. Like, it's not just a crush. I feel like he's the one, but that's just a feeling."
"Oh boy, you guys talk about love, I'll go throw up." Raph grumbled, going out the room.
"Oh grow up, Raphael. Love is-"
"Part of life, April, I know. But it doesn't matter to me since I'm aromantic, so BYE!" Raph yelled from the other room.
"Meh, I don't blame him." She said. "Love is quite weird, it's not a thing that suits for everyone. It doesn't mean I don't feel something like that, though..."
"Awww, that's so romantic!" April beamed.
"Uuugh, can we go outside?" Mikey asked in a complaining tone. "The sound of those words are ringing around the room and it's disgusting."
"Sure." Donnie said.
They all went out front like Mikey asked. They all talked about love some more until Raph came out with a bunch of logs. He sets some down and gave one to Mikey and another to Casey. Everyone got up and gave their attention to him."Alright team, if you can clobber Kraang, you can crack logs. Watch and learn." Raph said, getting a bit cocky.
"Aw yeah! Time for some ninja training, farmhouse style!" Mikey exclaimed. Everyone watched as Raph pulled some crazy ninja moves, along with the Crane and Snake pose with awesome speed. He stopped with his legs spread and fists up to his waist. Casey smirked as April looked uninterested, and while (Y/N) clapped in the background, obviously the opposite of April.
With battle cries after another, logs were thrown in the air, and he obliterated three of the logs.
"Whoo-hoo!" Mikey cheered. Raph pulled up his belt."Ya like that?" Raph asked.
"Aight, my turn." (Y/N) said, shoving Casey aside.
"You got this." The turtle in red said, backing off.
(Y/N) showed off some of her moves herself, making circle motions with her hands and swiping them to opposite directions while standing on one leg, leaning her entire upper body low to the ground with balance and doing a front flip while kicking the air and double punching to the side. She turned with a ninja chop and stood on one foot again, stepped forward with another punch and turned back into her original position. April looked more impressed than usual, and Raph clapped for her.
More battle cries were heard as more logs were split to pieces with her bare hands, and covered feet. She even repeatedly punch one into bits while it was in the air, making it seem like she slowed down time for a second.

The Voided Heart - Sub!Leonardo X Reader
Fanfic"This can't be real... I can't believe this. Will my heart break, or will his? Inevitably I will cause all of those sins And then I'll repay by my life to an end! It goes to show I don't deserve him I am the cloud, and he's the silver rim And I'm ju...