Q & A/Truth or Dare Announcement!! (Closed)

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Yukiko: *Taps mic* Bellooooo~? Testing, testing, 1~ 2~ 3~!!

Nagisa: I think it's already working? *Takes mic* La~ la~ la~?

Jataro: Wait...are you guys not ready? But I already started the camera!

Kotoko: What!? Oh my god, turn it off!! I'm not done practicing yet!

Masaru: Who cares!? Keep rolling, just give us a sec!

Monaca: Monaca's ready, meow!

Toko: This is a disaster...

Komaru: Well...I guess we just have to go with it? *Laughs* Yuki, turn to the camera now, please! And Jataro, get to position.

Jataro: But I thought I was the camera man-

Nagito: I'm the camera man, you get going.

Yukiko: Jataron~!! We need you here!

Jataro: Okay...I'm coming...

Yukiko: Alrighty then! Let's...wait...what was I supposed to say?

Kamakura: *Sigh, and whispers in her ear* Konnichiwa, minna-san. It's us, the cast of Lil' Ultimate Music.

Yukiko: Oh, kay-kay!! *Turns to the camera* Konnichiwa, minna-san! It's us, the cast of Lil' Ultimate Music! You must be wondering, "Why is there this weird announcement all of a sudden?" weellll....

Nagisa: Just so you know, the dates January 26th and 31st will mark the days Author-san came into Wattpad.

Masaru: And the day she turns into an About-To-Be-

Monaca: SHE TURNS 14!!

Kotoko: Sooooo, in celebration for both days, she decided to hold a Q&A, and Truth and Dare game for everyone to join!

Jataro: Aaaaaaaand post a special chapter! In a new book called "Lil' Ultimate Scenarios"-

Kotoko: Which will come out on the 31st!

Jataro: Awww...you took my lines! All of it! It's because you hate me, isn't it?

Masaru: So from today-

Nagisa: January 21st

Masaru: To January 30th, all of you fans can ask any of us any question you want! Even Author-nee-san!!

Monaca: And! You can Dare us to do anything you want, meow!

Yukiko: Example! If someone asked Nagisa "Why do you have horns on your hair?", then Nagisa will be the one to answer!!

Jataro: And if you dare Nagisa to hold hands with Masaru, then he has to do it~!

Nagisa: Why are all the examples about me-

Masaru: You can also ask all of us the same question! And if you do, we'll all have to answer that exact same question!!

Kotoko: And it won't just be us, even these About-To-Be Demons are a part of it, too!! *Takes the camera, and points it at them*

Nagito: Ah...well, this wasn't a part of the script.

Komaru: Now that it's out, I guess it can't be helped...

Kotoko: *Points the camera back at them*

Yukiko: All of the things mentioned earlier will be posted on January 31st, 12:00pm, Philippine time! So make sure to set a reminder~~!!

Monaca: Oh! Also, you can give as many Questions and Dares as you'd please, meow! But they must be asked here! Or else, it will be ignored!

Masaru: That'll be a bummer, right? So don't make any mistakes!

Nagisa: If you have any questions for or about the coming event, you may ask in the comments-

Yukiko: B-But not here! Author-chama will get confused if you ask it here! Go ask in a different chapter, k?

Nagisa: In the "Conversation" part of her profile, or you can also dm-

Yukiko: Or Private Message, that's what they call it in other countries!!

Nagisa:...her, about anything that confuses you.

Masaru: And that's about it! Make sure to make those questions and dares are interesting!!

Kamakura: And not boring.

Yukiko: Surprising!

All: And more!!

Yukiko: Till then, we'll all be waiting for your comments right here!

All: So long, bear-well!!


Author (Me, lol): Sorry guys, but I'll be closing the event slightly early. I never expected it to be this hard to make these sorts of things, soooooo
Haha, sorry- ✌️

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