chapter sixteen

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Sighing, I sat there watching the clock and twirling a piece of my hair in my finger.

It was exactly 11:26pm, there were 34 minutes until I could go home.

The diner closed at 12am but we usually locked up around 11:45.

And right now, the diner was completely empty.

It was slow today, I was thankful for that because I didn't have to deal with to many annoying people.

I just wanted to go home and fall asleep. Saying I was tired would be an understatement.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I twirled my chair around.

"I'm leaving, so could you please lock up for me around the usual time?" Donna said, it looked like she was in a rush.

"Sure" I smiled, I didn't really mind.

"Thank you dear" she said smiling and half walking/jogging out the door.

Shaking my head and quietly laughing at her, I pulled out my phone and checked if I had any missed calls or texts.

I had 3 texts, 2 from Brooke and 1 from my mom.

Checking the text from my mom I sighed,

From mom:

Sorry I haven't been home for a few days. I will be home for sure in 2 days. Miss you, love you!

Quickly replying back with a quick I love you too, I then checked Brooke's texts.

From Brooke👭💞:

I'm coming over tmrw.

Idc if you're busy, clear your schedule.

Laughing to myself, I also replied back to Brooke.

To Brooke:

Kk bitch

Checking the clock for the second time, I sighed in relief, it was 11:40.

Walking into the back room I grabbed my jacket and my car keys.

I smiled to myself, since I could finally go home and sleep.

But that smile was immediately wiped off as I heard the bells, which indicated a customer had walked in.

I knew I couldn't exactly kick them out because it wasn't 12am.

I groaned to myself as I put back my jacket and car keys.

Grabbing my notepad and pen I walked out to the front.

2 customers had walked in, they were both boys. That's all I could tell.

I inwardly groaned because they had decided to sit way at the back, meaning I had a longer distance to walk.

One was wearing a black hood and had his head down, I assumed he was on his phone.

And the other had his back towards me, so I couldn't even make out how he looked.

Plus I had bad eyesight so that kind of sucked.

Plastering a fake smile on my face, I made my way towards the 2 teens.

Stopping at their table, I looked down at my notepad, prepared to write down the orders.

"Hello, welcome to Donnas diner, my name is Arabella, what can I get for you?"

"I'll have a cheeseburger with fries and a coke" the one with the hoodie said.

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