chapter two

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I stared back at him and I couldn't pull away.

His dark brown eyes were so, well there's no other word to describe them then cold.

His skin was very tan, and just like his eyes he had dark hair.

He was wearing a black t shirt, a leather jacket and a pair of black jeans that were sagging.

And he was extremely tall, or maybe I was just short? But he towered over me, I estimate he was about 6'1 maybe.

Overall, he was hot.

He had a light smirk on his face but he quickly wiped it off.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" he spat.

Damn, his mood changed fast.

"I-" I was about to speak, but once again he cut me off.

"Do me a favour, and shut your mouth" he brushed past me, purposely bumping shoulders and walked into the school.

Bipolar much.

Wow, the first two people I met here were complete dicks.

I was hoping not everyone was like this.

Sighing I picked up my keys that had fallen to the ground and locked the doors for the second time.

Jogging inside I was warmed up immediately.

I looked around and Cara was no where in sight.

Guess she must've left, great the first day and I'm completely alone.

I walked over to the office and asked for my time table, and the lady kindly gave it to me.

Finally, a nice person.

I smiled and walked off trying to find my locker.

Finally finding it, I opened it and I was thankful it wasn't jammed or anything.

I put some of my school supplies in there as the bell rang.

I looked down at my time table and quickly read over what classes I had.

-time table-

1st block, English 11

2nd block, math 11


3rd block, French 11


4th block, science 11.

I started off towards my English classroom, finally reaching my destination just as the bell rang.

I walked in and everyone turned to look at me, well this is awkward.

"ah, you must be our new student. Arabella Waters?" The teacher, Mr Scott asked.

"That's me" I shyly responded.

"You can go take a seat next to Brooke. Brooke please raise your hand"

My eyes scanned the room until they reached a girl with blond hair two inches beneath her shoulders.

She was very pretty and she looked harmless.

I walked over to the empty chair beside her, which was at the end of the classroom, so it was an awkward walk.

"Damn, nice booty" I heard somebody whisper just as I was about to sit down.

My eyes searched until I found the faceless voice, he was staring right at me.

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