chapter seventeen

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I opened my eyes and was blinded by the sun that was seeping through my window.

Groaning I tried rolling over but it was kind of difficult, due to the fact that something or should I say someone had their arm around my waist.

Quickly realizing it was Jack I smiled, but soon after a frown made its way onto my face once I remembered what had happened last night.

And just as I had remembered, the physical pain came rushing back.

I sighed and touched my neck, wincing as it felt sore.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to fight off the tears.

Stop being a wuss Arabella, I thought to myself

I tried giving myself a little pep talk but I was interrupted by the banging on my door.

"Arabella! Ugh you little shit open the door" I knew it was Cara, I could tell from her annoying voice.

My eyes immediately widened.

"Shit, shit, shit" I whispered.

Escaping from jacks death grip I jumped out of bed.

"Jack!" I whisper yelled, trying to wake him up but he didn't budge.

I tried again, "jack, wake up!", he still didn't budge.

"Jack, if you don't fucking get up now I will slit your throat" I was getting irritated at this point so I slapped his arm.

"Babe, shut up" he groaned, moving around.

A small smile made its way onto my face when he called me babe but it was quickly wiped off.

"Jack, wake the fuck up! Cara is at my door!" I whined.

That did the trick, because he immediately jumped out of bed.

"Fuck" he said, pulling at his hair.

"Arabella I swear to fucking god if you don't open the door and give me my pink sweater I will knock down this door and rip your throat out" I heard a voice from outside the door.

I grabbed Jacks arm and dragged him into the bathroom.

"Ouch" he whined.

"Shut up you baby" I said rolling my eyes.

"Stay in here and don't say a word. If you even make a little sound I won't hesitate to cut off your dick, okay?"

"Wow I'm shaking in my shoes" he chuckled.

I gave him one last look before I shut the bathroom door.

"Arabel-" I quickly ran to the door and opened it.

"Yeah?" I tried my best not to look like I was out of breath.

"Took you long enough" Cara said annoyed.

"What do you want?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"My pink sweatshirt"

"I don't have it" I lied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now goodbye, I need to get ready for school" I smirked, slamming the door in her face.

I heard her groan and stomp to her room.

I ran over to the bathroom and opened the door for jack.

He went back to his original position on my bed.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time, it was exactly 6:14am.

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