chapter ten

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I groaned as I rolled over in my bed.

But I realized I couldn't roll over and I was not in my bed.

Confused I slowly opened my eyes and quickly shut them because of the bright lights.

I reopened them and I was greeted by Brooke sitting on the chair on her phone.

"Brooke" I mumbled.

She shot up and ran over to me, almost dropping her phone.

"Oh my god. are you okay? How are you feeling? Do you need a doctor. I'll get t-" I cut her off by laughing.

"Calm down. I'm fine" and it was true, I felt better. But the stomach pain was still there.

Just as Brooke was about to speak again, the doctor walked in.

"Oh, you're finally awake Arabella" he smiled.

"How long was I sleeping for?" I asked.

"Oh only 30 minutes

Woah, it felt like I had been out for at least 2 hours.

"Oh and before I forget to tell you. You're mom wanted me to tell you that she's sorry she can't come in to see you, she's really busy today" he said with a sad smile.

"that's not surprising" I mumbled under my breath.

"Alright well, you collapsed because you were dehydrated so make sure you drink a lot of water"

I simply nodded my head.

"And for your stomach, it looks like we have to remove your appendix as soon as possible. So I was thinking today?"

Fuck, I hated surgeries.

"Sure" I said with a fake smile.

"Oh! I have to go Arabella, I'm sorry. I'll try stopping by tomorrow!" Brooke said not looking up from her phone.

"Alright. Bye" I smiled.

"Where's your boyfriend?" The doctor questioned.

"Excuse me?" I said in a confused voice.

"The young man that brought you here"

Jack was the only person who came to my mind.

Wow I expected him to just leave me there not actually bring me to the hospital.

"He's not my boyfriend" I mumbled, still confused.

"Oh well I asked him if he was and he said yeah so I just assumed"

"Anyways, your surgery will be later tonight" he said walking out.

Why would jack say he was my boyfriend? I was very confused.

I sighed, I was alone and very bored.

I looked beside me and was glad that my phone was there.

I reached and grabbed it.

Quickly texting Cara telling her where I was I got a reply very fast.

From Cara,
k cool.

I texted Brooke after, asking her if she could bring me my charger tomorrow if she came to visit.

I turned off my phone and put it back to where it was.

I looked at the clock and it was 7, and I didn't really get an exact time for when my surgery was so I guess I would just sleep until they woke me up.

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