New Rival, and an unexpected meeting

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"So, you already achieve to work with Nutcracker?" Assosiate special class Matsuri Washuu, ask.

"Yes! it's all because (F/N) and the Quinckes hard work!" Suzuya said with a cheeky smile.

"And who ask for it?" He ask again.

"Rank 3 Mutsuki Tooru" I said with a smile.

"Then she will do it" he said make my eyes widen a bit.

"But, Washuu-San...she was at the low ranks for a high rank mission, It be safe if we come with her" I said, a bit concern

"Isn't it strange? You all go there? Nutcrackers just ask Tooru for part time jobs" he said again, dat old man...

"But I p-" "no, but" he said with serious face, while I glared at him because he stop my word.

"Umm, excuse me!! I will go with Tooru!! I will said that I was her friends" Suzuya said while waved his hand with a smile.

"Ju--Suzuya-san!!" I hissed, while he smile and wink at me.

"So, you will wear that costume too?" Washuu ask then he nodded, he sigh.
"Okay, you can commence the operation" he said again, while I and Suzuya nodded then go out.

"Thank you Suzuya-san, I appreciate your concern" I said with a smile.

"'s okay. (F/N)-chan! Let's grab a donuts!!" He said then grab my wrist and go outside.

"Hahaha...slow down, I will treat you" I said then he jump around happily. in the way we meets Sasaki.

"Sasaki!!! Want to come? (F/N) will treat!!!" Suzuya ask while jumping to Sasaki, we make an eye contact then have a red face. why must i remember that valentine!!?? Stupid me!!

"Ehh?? Really? I can come?" He ask with a sparkle.

"What do you mean? Of course you can" I said while he nodded.

"Hehe...i think it's a Assosiate Special Class meeting..." he said while scratch his neck. We walk to a nearby donuts and coffee shop. I open the door then sit near the window, then I raise my hand.

"One milk and caramel coffee, two black coffee, and two donuts please" I said while the waitress nodded and write the orders.

"Are? (F/N)-chan you didn't order the donuts?" Suzuya ask while I nodded.

"Yes, I'm having a diet.." I said with a smile, I can't eat humans food okay!?

"Then, we will just order the donuts one" Sasaki said while the waitress nodded and go to the kitchen.

"Ehhh? Sasaki too?" Suzuya ask again feeling a little guilty, and Sasaki nodded.

"Sasaki might be already have a lunch, please enjoy your meal Suzuya-San" I said again, while see the waitress came with our order. she put the orders then go back to the counter. oh yeah....if you ask where i sit, i sit next to Sasaki >\\<, Suzuya was in front of me. I sip my coffee a bit.

"Sasaki-kun, tomorrow we will having a hand-on-hand combats. please tell the other" I said while he nodded, we still haven't gave a single glance.

"Ahh!! Maybe i will have a knife practice with Tooru!!!" Suzuya exclaimed while eat a donuts.

"That would be nice Suzuya-san, please teach her" I said while he nodded happily.

"Ehh? Tooru?" Sasaki ask, clueless.

"She will be at Nutcracker mission with Suzuya-san..." I said, I can see that Sasaki is worried. Tch, is he care for Mutsuki!?

"But...she was at a low rank for a high rank mission!" Sasaki said again, while I twitch my eyes. It's not my fault that she was at low rank! That girl....

"Hahaha....slow down, rank 1 Sasaki. I know that you care for her" I said while chuckle, A FAKE CHUCKLE!!!! Haaaahhh!!!! Get hold of yourself (F/N)!!!!! Inhale! Exhale!! I grab the cup, and about to sip the coffee.

"I'm sorry (F/N)-chan.... But i really care for her..." he said make me wide my eyes a bit, and about to choke. I though he care for me.... I though that he just care for me... So... that kiss from the valentine was just a normal kiss? He won't blush and look at me with those caring eyes again?... Just for me...?

"I have a plan, have to go..." I said while stood up harshly make Sasaki and Suzuya surprised a bit, my eyes covered by my bangs.
"This is the money, Suzuya-san. don't forget tomorrow practice Haise" I said then go off, maybe Sasaki was surprised a bit that i called him by Haise for the first time. I walk to the bus station, sit then grab Takatsuki book from my bag. then a figure sit next to me, from the sounds of her steps and smell... it's must be Saiko.

"Have a nice day, Rank 2 Yonebayashi?" I said not taking a glance to her, then she nodded.

"Guess what!? I have brought a figure that you told me is cool! His name was Yato from Noragami!! And it's really cool!!!" Saiko squealed while hug her figurine, then she look at me. The bus start to move.
"Kishou-San? Are you in periods?" She ask make me chuckle.

"No, i'm not in my moods today" I said and she nodded, she look at the figure then at me, she do it again multiple time then speak.

"Do you want this figurine?" She suddenly ask and I shook my heads.

"No, you already buy it with your money, thank you for asking" I said with a smile.
"And why you ask?" I ask to her while continue reading the book.

"Because your face was like 'please notice me,senpai! And I need love' look" she said make me let out anime veins.

"Baka, It's not like that" I chuckle then hit her playfully, then the bus stop at the stations near my apartment. I close the book then put it inside my bag and stood up.
"Have a nice day, Yonebayashi. and tomorrow i will held a hand-to-hand combat practice" I said while walk out, leaving her dumbfound. I walk to my apartment, go in then use the elevators. floor...18....the elevator door open revealed a dark violet guy with black hoodie and his friend with a silver hoodie from outside, when I walk and past them...

"A guy...named Sasaki... Never mind that let's go to Hinami" a familiar voice said make my eyes widen a bit, and quickly turn around.

"Um, excuse me-" I shut my mouth quickly, He was right in front of me looking to my eyes.
"...Ayato..." Anger filled my voice, he was with torso...

"What do we have here? Little innocent (Y/N)? Wait it was Assosiate Special Class and bla bla" he said with a smirk, while I click my tongue.
"Not saying a word? I'm bored here...." he said again. "then I want to ask you" He said stepping forward. "Who is a guy named Sasaki Haise?" He ask stepping forward again, make me step back.

"Unfortunately, I won't tell a single hint to you" I said with a polite manor, but slightly irritated. he step forward again make me step back.
"Please stop" I said, make him step forward again and I step back.

"I'm sorry, but do you have a business with my sister?" I heard Onii-chan voice, when search for the source, he was right behind Ayato, where he can't see Torso.

"Ahh... No! No! He was helping me to searching my Phonestrap!" I said with a fake smile.
"arigato!" I bowed then go in to my home, then Onii-chan followed me.

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