Kaneki.. don't leave me...

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i awoke by the alarm in my phone. i lazily get up then clean my self properly and dressed myself in Anteiku uniform.

hmm... it was Sunday.. i tough while walking to the cafe, when i got there i see that there just Touka, Kaneki, and Me.

"ohayou.." i said while yawning. Touka nodded and Kaneki smile while waving.

luckly there's just a few customer so we can relax a bit. i glanced at the TV there a news about Aogiri's tree.

" soo.. what is this Aogiri's Tree about?" you asked while rested you head at your hand.

"it said that the group is killed all investigator in 11th ward..it's creepy.." Kaneki said.

i gulped and widened my eyes. " wow.. they must be really strong...." i drink a glass of water then spitted it out because the window being broken to a piece by a young man with purple hair. it was Ayato!!

"hmm...? i tough i smell Rize scent" Ayato said " yo! my dumb sister and (Y/N)" he added.

"tch... Ayato..." Touka clicked her tongue.

then two men coming in from the door.

the one was big with blonde hair and white suit, he...

"y..you.. the one who attack father..." i said while widened my eyes and gasping.

"yes i'am where is Rize?" he asked.

"Rize isn't here" Touka said while stood infront of me and Kaneki.

i heard Kaneki gulped, i held his hand to relax him a bit.

"Hey...you.." Ayato said pointing at Kaneki. "you smell like Rize, come with us" he said "or else your friends gonna hurt" he add.

"No.. you won't!" i said and stood beside Touka.

"owh... they want to have a game first" Ayato said.

"it's okay Ayato... let's have fun first" The man with blonde hair said.

" tch... whatever... Yamori..." Ayato said with a smirk.

'Yamori' laughed maniacly and show his Kagune, then run to us.

Touka distract Yamori by fighting him, when i about to kick Yamori from behind Ayato blocked me.

"heh... i'm here too you know!?" Ayato smirked.

i jumped back while clicked my tongue. then i decide not to use Kagune and fight with martial art. when i about to kicked Ayato legs, He punched my stomach then pinned me at the wall by chocking. i grunted then see Touka already fall too. Yamori walk to Kaneki.

Kaneki just froze there. i.. have to help Kaneki!! i began to strugle from Ayato hand. but more strugle i can the more Ayato grip, then i don't have a choice... i bite Ayato hand make him flinched then less the grip, i kicked him then fly to grab Kaneki. but, Yamori use his Kagune to stabed me then i fell to the ground.

i look at Kaneki he being beaten... punching to the ground, smacked to the wall, and do it again and again.... then Yamori with the other take Kaneki away.

"K..Kaneki...Don't.. leave..me..." i said while my hand want to reach him then fall....


i go home with Yomo but just greeted by the cafe messed with blood and my two staff being beaten. i go to Touka and Yomo go to (Y/N).

"they brought Kaneki..." Touka said with a sad look.

"it's okay..." i said then look to Yomo

"Yomo.. gathered all staff and broughthim with us" i said and he just nodded.



"...um..what are we waiting for?" Hinami ask.

"waiting for CCG movement" Irimi-san answer while smiling and patted Hinami.

"i want to save Kaneki-onee..." Hinami said with a sad voice and lower her head.

the door being widely open by Tsukiyama, Yomo following from behind.

"why YOU here!?" Nishiki asked.

" saving Kaneki, of course.." he said while playing with his hair.

"tch...he even hurt Kaneki!!! he doesn't desire to save Kaneki!!" i said with angry sound and face.

"with him there's a change to defeat the enemy so easily." Yoshimura said.

"Sorry i'am latee!!" someone said while while open the door and stepped in.

"Uta-san!! you coming too!?" i asked with a sparkled.

"yes... of course Kaneki is my valued customer.." He said with a smile.

"how is CCG movement?" Yoshimura asked Yomo.

" once the civilians are evacuated, they appeared to mount an attack" Yomo said.

Yoshimura looked at the staff "that's everyone, right?" then stood up "Let's go".


There we are at Aogiri's tree base, it looks like abandoned mall or something like that, And it's was soo quite. I look to the ground thinking what is Kaneki doing now... until someone tapped my shoulder, it was Touka.

" don't thinking too far (Y/N)... it's our time now" She said while wear her mask and stood.

I smirked then wear my mask and stood up too. We rushed in the building then splited up, I see a few people with CCG armor outside. Then i heard from my back a quinque being slashed to my way, i jumped then look back it was just Amon.

"YOU!!YOU AT LEAST!!" He shouted while run to me.

I don't have time for this.. i have to save Kaneki!! I clicked my tongue then run. When i look back i see Amon being attacked by Bin Brother. I fly to a nearest building then run.

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