Chapter two

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"You're just like her"

I didn't have anywhere to go. I didn't know anyone outside and not many inside the lab, so I didn't have a place to just run and be safe.

But when the raven haired boy told me I could stay with him, I didn't hesitate. This would do more than get me to find out why I'm so drawn to him. But that was my main goal.

I looked back into the eyes of the boy as I nodded my head as to say yes. He gave me a sad smile before helping me to my feet, and sneaking into his basement from a different door around the low back of his house.

He slowly opened the door and peeked in, making sure no one was around before motioning for me to come in after him with his hand.

As I stepped into the unknown space, I got the since that it was familiar to me. Not like I had stayed or been here before, but I knew that somehow I had been here in a way. Or maybe seen it in a picture. I didn't know for sure but i definitely felt something of recognition, towards the basement at least.

I looked around the room, spotting lots of random items or things I didn't recognize, and even a few things that looked like you could eat them, though I'd never had them before.

I guess he saw me looking at them because he spoke up as soon as he noticed. "Thats my candy stash. Some of its from last Halloween and some is just from different points in the year. I can't wait to go trick or treating. I'll definetly get a lot of candy this year. Me and my friends have been scoping out the good houses to go to since we've been going together."

Candy? Halloween? Trick or treating? What is all of that?

"Candy?" His eyes that had started to stray away immediately snapped back to me at the sound of my voice. "Y-yeah. It's really good and sweet and you get a ton of it on Halloween." He explained. But it brought up another question.

"What is..Hallow-een?" He seemed amused by my pronunciation, but didn't laugh at me. "Its a night where you walk around from house to house and get candy. And it's called trick or treating because when they answer the door you ask 'Trick or treat' so they give you candy."

I gave him a wierd look. "Strangers give you food because you ask a wierd question?" Now it was his turn to give me a wierd look. "You talk a lot."

"What?" I blurted out, slightly offended. "No no, not like that. Not a bad way. It's just that...I didn't expect you to be able to talk that much." He quickly explained.

I continued to look at him. He was acting strange. It was almost as if he'd done this before. But how could he have? The only two people that escaped are probably long gone by now. So how would he know what to do or why I shouldn't be able to talk?

He took note of the silence and scoured the room with his eyes to try and find anything he could possibly use to change the subject.

His eyes seemed to find something at the other end of the room. Under what looked to be a desk to hold up some kind of sheet. I could only see a little bit of space underneath, but it was definetly big enough for a person or two to fit in.

When he pulled the sheet from Overtop of the entrance I could see a mess of blankets and a few pillows laying in the space. It looked comfortable, but It also looked like it had been recently occupied. Someone had been sleeping or staying in it. But if this boy lived here and stayed in his basement then it was most likely him..

"You can sleep in here." He stated, glancing at me and then at the space. He seemed to notice that I was weary of the small space, even if it looked comfortable this person was still a stranger and I didn't even know his name yet. So I didn't trust his intentions.

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