Chapter twenty seven

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Enjoy the long chapter, my dear friends :)

As soon as my eyes opened I knew I had slept in way too late. I looked over at the watch on my nightstand and saw that it was already almost 10:30.

"Shit." I mumbled as I threw the covers off of me, grabbing clothes from my closet and dresser.

I ran to my bathroom and took a quick shower, brushing and drying my hair as soon as I was out.

When I was finally dressed I let out a sigh of relief, seeing as I had made it by 11:25. I had plans for Mike to meet me at 10, I just hoped with everything I had that he was late or hasn't shown up yet.

But that didn't seem to be the case as a loud set of laughter sounded from down the hall. I could tell it was Mike laughing but I couldn't make out who he was talking to.

I opened my door and walked out, hearing voices talking to eachother faintly from a different room.

A room I could make out as Elevens.

I walked down the hall, listening to the conversation as I quietly made my way to the door.

"Yeah, I mean, we all miss you. It would be good for you to join the party again."

"Really? They miss me?"

"Yeah...they miss you, I miss you, and I'm sure Four does, even if she doesn't say it."

"No. She doesn't. She hates me."

"How could she hate you? There's nothing to hate."

I heard a slight giggle as the conversation paused briefly. I let out a relieved sigh as I saw Mike was only standing in the doorway, not even in her room. Though it did feel wierd to see them talking so casually and kindly to eachother. Was this flirting?

"So you'll start coming with us?"

"Yeah. I'll come."

The both turned their heads and looked at me as I made my presence known from behind them.

"Hey, Fee." Mike said, smiling at me as Eleven stood up from her bed to walk over to us.

"What are you doing today?" She asked. "Well not much, really just hanging out here." I answered. She nodded but looked at the two of us hopefully.

"Can I hang out too?"

I looked at Mike with wide and irritated eyes as he answered her. She smiled at him as she walked off down the hall and into my room.

I hit his shoulder as I looked at him angrily. "The hell, Mike? Why would you do that?" I questioned.

"Shes cool, and we're all friends, right? She can hang out with us." He stated.

"Well who's house are you in right now?" I asked him.
"Yours, but-"

"Yes, mine. We are not at Mikes house are we? No. We're at mine, I make the rules when we hang out here, and I say she doesn't join." I told him, glaring into his eyes as I spoke.

"Why are you so against her?" He asked me, confused as he glanced at my room.

I groaned. "She's a brat, she wants to date you, she rats me out for every little thing, Hopper favors her so she gets whatever she wants, she's at my throat because she thinks she has a chance with you...shall I go on?" I counted my fingers as I listed each thing, holding them up in front of him as I spoke.

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