Chapter Four

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Cold. All I knew was that it was cold. Colder than the lab. Colder than the snow during the winter. It was just really cold.

I was walking. I knew I was walking. No destination really, just walking. Forward. It was cold. I had no idea where I was. It was dark. It was cold.

It was what he wanted me to destroy. This place. It was evil. It was the bad dimension. It wasn't...home. Even though I wouldn't call the lab home- Hawkins felt like home. I hated the lab. But I always felt drawn to Hawkins, drawn to this place.

Papa wanted me to destroy it. Needed me to destroy it. But he had bad intentions. None of his intentions were good. The destruction of this monster wasn't for the sake of the town, but rather for his own good. He wanted to control it. If he could destroy it he would have some kind of...power over it. Thats not what anyone else wanted or needed. In any way.

This monster, it was stronger than he knew it to be, it could kill the entire town in an instant but he thinks somehow we can kill it. He thinks two little girls can kill this millions of years old God like monster.

No amount of walking or running would take me any further from this monster. Fleeing isn't going to save you. Hiding under your sheets isn't going to save you. Keeping the light on and the door open isn't going to save you. Hiding isn't going to save you. Nothing can save you from him. He will always find you. He will always try to kill you. He will always try to overpower you. You are nothing but a speck of dirt to him.

I never knew what to call him. He was evil and dark and scary. He terrified me. He haunted my dreams. This thing followed me everywhere. It felt threatened from my very presence. And the fact that in this moment I am inching closer to it, is a nightmare coming true.

I looked over at the girl beside me. Fear present on her face, though she seemed better at hiding it. She looked over at me when she felt my stare, our eyes meeting. I glanced at the space in front of us. She only nodded, giving me the ok to go first.
I had only started a few times. But I was prepared this time.

I held my hand out, figuring I would start off slow. Fire boomed from my palm, directly hitting a section of the monsters left leg. Every blast of fire that jolted out of me sent another drop of blood through my nose. It wasn't fun what he made us do. It hurt. It hurt badly. But we had no choice but to do as he said. We would die if we didn't.

I heard the faint screech that came from the monster. But it barely faltered. Barely any movement. I wasn't doing anything to it. It didn't do more than let out short painful, high pitched screams. I cringed my face up at the sound, wanting desperately to let go and hold my ears. I sent a motion with my free hand, telling Eleven to follow.

And she did, holding up her right hand she also started to pry at the monster. Though it didn't do much at the contact. Slowly the screeches got higher. We knew we were doing something, but it still wouldn't be enough to permanently leave anything to the monster. We both held up our other hand, trying to give it our best and do something, anything to it.

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