Chapter twenty one

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I felt the chills on my neck as I tredded through the tunnels, the cold brushing past me and blowing strands of my hair in the close to non-existent breeze.

The group stayed close together, following behind Steve as he led us through each turn and path, looking down at the map closely and shining his flashlight down on it every few minutes.

My flashlight flickered more in more the deeper we went through the tunnels. Every now and then it had even shut off.

I sighed as the light went out for the fifth time, watching Lucas's flashlight to help guide me.

I saw Mike glance back before turning around, not speaking a word as he took my flashlight and placed his in my hand.

He met my eyes before turning back around and trailing right behind Steve again.

I smiled to myself as I continued, pointing the light back at the ground as I walked through, watching as Mike hit the one he had taken from me a few times, successfully turning the light back on.

Eventually we came to a clearing, all of us panting slightly at the long and unbalanced walk.

"God." Lucas said, looking around at the opening that all the other tunnels connected to.

"What is this place?" Max asked, shining her light down the individual openings.

"Guys, come on, keep moving." Steve said, continuing on down a different tunnel.

I let out a small groan as I followed after him. "Stop complaining, you all were the little shitheads who wanted to come down here in the first place, all right?" Steve scolded, not turning around as he spoke to me.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. It still sucks." I responded, following behind.

We all stopped as we heard a shriek from behind us, the yelp belonging to Dustin.

"Shit! Ahh! Help, help, help!" He yelled as he ran back to us, dropping to his knees as we turned to shine our flashlights at him.

"Dustin?" Mike asked. I could tell even through goggles and a scarf that he had the most confused expression.

"Help! Shit!" Dustin shouted, falling down as we ran over to him.

"Dustin!" Lucas and Max yelled out, worried and confused.

"What happened?" Steve asked him, watching as he freaked out on the ground.

"Dustin, what the hell's going on?" I asked as I got to my knees, sitting in front of him and shining my flashlight on him.

"It's in my mouth! Some got in my mouth! Shit!" He tried explaining.

"What got in your mouth?" I asked him, confused as to what he was talking about.

"That sh-shi-" He cut himself off with a cough, hacking and choking on something. I heard Steve mutter a 'Shit' as they watched him.

He stopped coughing and spit something from his mouth, looking up at me and the group.

"I'm okay." He muttered out, sending the group into fits of complaint.

"You serious?" Max whispered, an annoyed tone attached to the words. "Very funny, man." Steve said, looking down at Dustin with even more annoyance.

"Nice. Very nice." Steve finished, turning around to walk away with the group.

'What an idiot.' I heard one of them say quietly, not really sure who it was.

I rolled my eyes as I got to my feet, holding out my hand for Dustin. He took it gratefully and pulled himself from the ground.

"Don't listen to them, we all love you, Dustin. They're just being extra moody today." I told him, he nodded as we turned back around and headed for the rest of the group.

Serendipity (Mike Wheeler x reader)Where stories live. Discover now