Introducing Muteki...Part 1

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A/N: So this was written by Muteki himself. He decided he needed to show you people who Muteki was, and I loved it so I decided to post it here. He might comment. Anywho, this might be considered a spoiler if you're not up to date with Accidental Avatar 2: RocknRoll. Even so, I have no regrets. Enjoy~

“So you’re telling me...”
“That this is damned the earth kingdom, yes!”
This was the fourth time the extremely small man before me had explained my current predicament. Yet I still had absolutely no clue as to what was going on. What I knew, was that I was apparently in the earth kingdom within the Avatarverse. Sitting in a rather large, barren plane. An overcast sky hung above me, threatening rain and perhaps even thunder. And before me stood an unusually proportioned man in a green robe far too large for him, upon whose face you could have boiled an egg. Or popped corn...Or roasted a turkey...


Anyway, figuring that sitting in the dirt probably wasn’t going to achieve much, I stood up and thanked shorty for his persistent attitude towards what, I'm sure, appeared to be my lack of intelligence. As he stormed off muttering many an obscenity under his breath I surveyed my unusual surroundings. Dirt...Yup, dirt. Lots and lots of dry, dusty, invasive dirt.

Deciding that simply walking around was a good idea, I reached for my headphones usually tied to my jeans, before realising that said jeans were...gone. Maybe replaced is a better word, yes that’s much better. Anyhow, my gorgeous black jeans had been replaced by loose black slacks, under which lay my bandage wrapped feet. A dark green robe with light green outlines hung from my shoulders with gaps on each side for my legs. After an hour of very harsh assessment of my new attire, I concluded, I looked fly. Finally satisfied, I took my first step on what was sure to be a beautiful adventure...and fractured the earth directly beneath me falling nine feet directly down, only just grasping onto the edge of the newly fractured earth.


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