𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 || 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓷𝓮

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Characters may not act like they actually do, this is for story reasons. lets begin   ___________________________________________________________

3rd person POV


There they were after a lot of arguing and bickering they where finally standing outside the orphanage looking for another young prince or princess they could take in.

King Philza was known for adopting both of his beloved sons called Wilbur and Technoblade. The public didn't know what to say until the two young twins had grown on them. So the public probably wouldn't be upset with another... right?

"I still don't see why we need another child!" Prince Technoblade called out waiting for someone to answer their knocking.

"Well techno, I want a child that I can spend some quality time with unlike you and your brother who are almost always busy." The King Spoke

"But we can spend more time with you right techno, we don't need another sibling." Wilbur had agreed with techno from the beginning

Footsteps had approached the door they where standing behind and opened the door.

"I'm sorry for the wait you majesty but the children are now in the backyard if you will follow me some are dying to meet you!" The worker giggled whilst leading them inside and into the back door.

they where just standing there awkwardly, when the children where either playing by themselves or with their friends.

while the two adults where speaking Techno was observing the children, (Not creepy at all) and he noticed something.

"Excuse me but, Father said there were going to be twenty-nine children to pick from there are only twenty-seven, where are the other two?" Techno inquired.

"Well you see, one of the children had got adopted by a nice young father figure looking for a child and the other is... well he is getting adopted by a young man but the person who had wanted to adopted was very busy, but the child we are acknowledging said he would wait for him so we took him off the system"

"Could we also meet this child?" The father asked.

"I'm afraid not, we, me and the adopter had decided it was best if he were not to meet another family, though it wasn't really a choice for us the child chose it." She replied with

"Well you two come back if and when you've made you decision." the two boys nodded in unison to their father, and walked off in different directions.

Wilbur went to a group of kids listening to them ramble but not really paying attention for he wasn't that excited about a knew sibling, 

Techno was the exact same, their father had them why did they need another family member but instead of going to a group of children he went around to singular children, on the way to another child he saw a white blur fly threw the sky, ay first you would've thought of it as a bird but it was much larger as it was passing by the child Techno was walking towards got up and picked up a feather and ran towards the worker they first talked to. Techno being snoopy grabbed his brother and followed the child to listen in on the conversation.

"Miss! Miss! look what I found!" the young girl with blonde hair yelled out, waving the pearly white feather, but it wasn't very feather like it was straight and didn't look like it could fluff up.

"Do you mind if I borrow it for a tick darling?" The worker asked in front of her! The blonde nodded and ran off leaving the feather in the hand of the worker.

'I Swear this kid is going to be the death of me' she accidently said out loud.

"What kid?" Phil had asked her, but she quickly turned him down causing a small frown on his face, " Did I say kid oh my bad, but if you excuse me for just a moment" she had already stepped inside the house when Techno and Wilbur where standing at the entry waiting for their dads approval to follow, their father replied with a small nod and they followed the lady up the stairs and to the top floor.

The lady entered the room and closed the door behind her, The twins had decide to eavesdrop instead of walking straight in.

Inside the room


"Tommy you can't just show yourself like that!" the worker practically yelled at him

"I'm sorry you never let me see the families that visit, PLUS I wanted to see if he was here to collect me yet!" Tommy sounded more excited towards the end

"Yes because, your technically off the system by your choice, not to mention you've been adopted, and seconds You Cant Keep Using your Wings to Leave! Just because you have the sunroof doesn't mean you can use it to go outside." She argued back.

"When is he coming to collect me, I mean I have the letters he has sent but he hasn't said when." He asks getting inpatient about waiting.

"You will know when its time-"She had gotten cut off by the boy "SO YOU KNOW WHEN HE'S COMING!!!" He said very very loudly

"Well yes but it's going to take awhile, and I know what you said about having a family while you wait but he suggests it and I agree, there's a lovely family here and we can see if they are interested in fostering" She said slowly to the child

"They wouldn't want me I'm different," Tommy sighed

"You are different tommy but that's what makes you unique now go meet the family down stairs." The worker said 

"Okay, ill be down in a minute" He said enthusiastically!

During this time period Techno and Wilbur ran down the stairs back to the king and reported everything they heard, I Mean EVERTHING that they heard.


End of chapter 1

hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Please comment any mistakes you see or if you don't understand something I can get back to you on it.

Man that last part sounded like a teacher my bad.

vote if you enjoy and would like to see more ( do not need to! )

Words in story: 988

words in general: 1052

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 (Sleepy Bois Inc Au)Where stories live. Discover now