𝓢𝓲𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓑𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 || 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 (𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝔀𝓸) (𝓣𝓮𝓬𝓱𝓷𝓸𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓮)

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I should probably be studying for math but its fine!

Congrats to : XxAria_ghostxX321 (I didn't know what you looked like so I went with the look of the cat on your profile picture) for getting a small role in the chapter

Shout outs! : VanessaisjustHere, SereneWaters6 and Arianadalton1!


Was it already the next morning? It didn't feel like that to Tommy he woke up so early the sun wasn't even out! So he wait, and waited until he could hear the knocking on his door from the butler asking him to get ready for the morning.

When he left his room he saw his Older brother closing the door to his room.

"Techno wait up!" The prince yelled running up to the older one.

Once they made it to the dinning hall, in one piece shall I add. The two sat down next to a rushing Wilbur 

"what do you two have planned for this morning?" Their father asked the pink haired prince.

"I'm going to give Tommy a proper tour of the castle then Wilbur and I will take him to Niki's bakery I heard it was good." Techno answered.

All the attention in the room turned to Wilbur who quickly got up and ran out the room.

"Where's he going?" Tommy asked their father replied with a laugh. "To get his school work out the way so he can join you."

Once Techno was done eating him and Tommy left the table to have the tour. They started at the kitchen, It's as a regular kitchen with marble benches and giant fridges. The moved onto the library where they saw Wilbur being yelled at by his tutor.

"PAY ATTENTION PRINCE WILBUR!" they heard the female shout. Stifling there laughs as they left.

They went almost every where except the rooms they couldn't with out permission like Wilbur's and Philza's rooms. The last room they went to really stuck out to Tommy it was a room full of all the family portraits ever taken. the most recent was of king Philza, A young Prince Wilbur to his left and a young Prince TechnoBlade to his right, In the middle of the three was a maybe 4 year old child with Blond hair and wings just like his.

"Who's that...?" Tommy asked. It took techno a moment to answer. " He is or was our little brother he'd be around your age now..." He turned to look at his older brother "What was his na-" Before Tommy could finish the question Wilbur burst in the room panting. "WHO'S READY TO GET SOME MUFFINS?!" He yelled in the very big echoing room, Then he rushed out again with his two brother's hot on his tail.

The three of them all ran the halls just before they got to the entrance they were stopped by a disappointed looking Phil. " I thought I taught you better than to run in the halls." he said before letting them continue.

Once they got to the bakery Tommy was waiting out side for his brother's to come back with the muffins, before he got a tapped on the shoulder. Turning around he saw a black haired emerald  eyed person, you could tell by the symbol on the satchel they had, also the same one on their clothing that they were a messenger.

"It's almost time, He's sending someone to come get you in a couple days." The Mysterious messenger was turning around when Tommy asked, " What's your name?" They replied with " You can call me Aria Ghost" Aria said before leaving.

Tommy frowned knowing that his time was almost up, he heard laughs behind him and saw his brothers walking with three muffins in hand. "Come on now Tommy lets go eat these at the castle." The brunet said "COMING!" He Yelled running after them.

Making it back to the castle the three of them sat down on a couch and relaxed and joked with each other something they didn't get to do often.

"Did you know all worker bee's are female?" The other two boys shook their heads. "How did you know that?" Techno said now interested. "I have a friend who loves bees and wont shut up about them, Did you also know they have five eyes?" after a lot more bee jokes n facts and some laughs here and there the after noon faded into late night. Them all getting tired and slowly falling into a deep sleep.

With Philza


Philza went to go check on the Boys soon realising they weren't in their rooms. "Excuse me but do you know where my sons are?" He went up to a butler, Who nodded and led him to the lounge room.

The king smiled softly at the sight of his sons having good quality time together. Grabbing a blanket he laid it gently on top of the three. Sitting down next to them he felt at peace, Falling into a slumber of his own.


Chapter Eight  done

Might be out with another today after I'm done with my math studying.

Also I like some of the theory's people are coming up with!

Words In Chapter : 760

Words In General : 845


𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 (Sleepy Bois Inc Au)Where stories live. Discover now