𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 || 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮

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Next is last chapter Cant wait!


It was late morning no one had wanted to wake up the loving family for breakfast so the workers had let them sleep in. The first ones to wake up were TechnoBlade and Wilbur both of which couldn't be bothered to move until they had realised they had to do their schooling before hanging out with Tommy, so they both swiftly got up and went to get ready. The next one to wake up was Philza, Who sat next to the youngest planning the day to spend time with him , for the king realised he hadn't had any time for the new family member. After hearing the youngster yawn the king got up and quickly ordered the workers around the house to get this ready just for the day, also getting Wilbur and Techno out of their drowning school work.

When the three of them got back to the lounge they saw a half awake Tommy, Techno quickly walked up to Tommy and pulled him up and covered his eyes with a blind fold.

"Is this necessary Techno" The boy complained but instead of hearing Techno's monotone voice it was his fathers " It is now follow me Techno." The boy's followed their father out to the garden where a chart had been stuck to a post in the ground. It read.

Techno's Time

Sword fighting


Wilbur's Hour

Guitar lessons

Song writing practice

Philza's Phase

Fly around the city. (Tommy only)

Board Games

When The blind fold was taken off he look excited about the day ahead.

They started with Techno's Time, doing fighting lessons, they went... Ok?

Philza sat this one out since he already knew how to fight plus he was a bit old.

"Wilbur you have to fix your stance, and Tommy stand up straight" Techno was being very picky

"But Techno This is HARD!" Complained Wilbur, "Why do you think I trained for years?" The other replied with a confused face.

The next on the list with Techno's Time was Gardening. He only had potatoes left to plant so they went with it.

"Huh I think I'm getting the hang of it!" Tommy said happily.

"Yeah hey mate how many are there left to plant?" Their father asked.

"Only 96 left to go!" Techno said with enthusiasm there were groans of complaints.

Once they were done with techno's planting it was early afternoon so they had stopped for some lunch, They had sandwiches with chicken and mayo

The first thing on Wilbur's Hour was guitar lessons although Tommy already knew how to play guitar he wanted to know if he could improve in places, Philza was good at it once he learned how to do some certain things and Techno was just 'ok' at it messing up most of the cords.

The Next thing they did on Wilbur's Hour was Song writing they mixed this in with the guitar so they wrote a song and played the guitar whilst singing.

Wilbur started off with one of his songs called "I am Very Smart"

Then Techno went he was definitely better at singing then guitar (The Blade by Thee UnKnown)

"Its the Blade!, Everybody tryna get in my way, no sir not today" He quickly handed Tommy a piece of paper of things he had to say. "Be Afraid!" Tommy did as the paper said as Techno Continued "Cause when I'm coming in, I arrive like a hurricane" "Its the Blade!" Tommy yelled again. " I'm storming in like a barricade, Time to upgrade today I'm Getting paid. I'm Unafraid, I'm not afraid." Techno stopped for that is all he had written down.

It was Philza's turn so he just went with it (Sleepy Bois Inc Theme Song by Alioof)

"If your watching Minecraft you can count on the four of us making you laugh, cause we're funny, cool and the best and when we're together there's no contest cause, we are sleepy bois in a found family, three siblings and a dad that cause insanity, that's why our fans and observers all love, Philza, Technoblade, and Wilbur and Tommy" And he stopped after saying tommy's name who was now jumping around because it was his turn.

Tommy who was super excited stopped jumping and sat down, to grab the guitar (TOMMY! by Thee UnKnown)

"I Be In it, Yeah you know I like to brag, TommyInnit, Calling me a big man, Got no limits give me another golden plaque, Give me a minute! Got my Ticket! I be In it, yeah you know I like to brag, TommyInnit!, Got no limits give me another golden plaque, Give me a Minute!, I got my Ticket!, I'm a Star call me Vik Vikstar." Tommy immediately stopped at the smell of food. 

It was dinner they were serving this time a mouth watering dish of lamb roast beneath the shimmering stars. The next thing on the list was flying but since only tommy and Phil could do that so they brought out some glowsticks and pillows out for the other two who would be waiting.

"Come now Tommy." Philza said with a soft smile. they were flying over the city with Philza pointing out iconic places before Tommy came to a halt.

"what is it mate?" Philza asked, Tommy replied with "what are they celebrating for?" Philza looked to the ground before answering "Its my youngest son's birthday tomorrow." "Is it the kid in the family portrait what was his name?" Philza turned towards the boy. "Formally his name was Tomathy but outside of formalities he was known as Thomas..." The old guy looked like he was about to cry when Tommy quickly said. "Why don't we go play some board games now?" He said starting to fly back with the king close behind him.

Besides the little slip up Tommy made the night was going perfectly, well as perfectly as a child and teenagers with childish personalities could.

"YOUR SUPPOSED TO GIVE ME FIFTY DOLLARS YOUR ON MY PROPERTY!" Yelled the pink haird boy to his twin brother.

"BUT YOUR IN JAIL!" The brunet yelled back     

"HIPPITY HOPPITY GET OFF MY PROPERTY!" Techno screamed as he flipped the board over.

Yeah minopoly didn't work out so they went to uno.

"Uno!" The little one said.

"Plus two," Wilbur said "Plus two," Followed Philza "plus Two" Techno said "Plus two! and out!" Tommy said smugly.

After they had finished their round of Uno Tommy was already asleep in Philza's lap Techno and Wilbur were arguing in a whispered manner thanks to Philza. The three of them had decieded that sleeping under the stars would be easier then trying to move Tommy back inside.


Two chapters One day (Again!)

Chapter NINE


Words In Chapter : 1113

Words In General : 1134

I still haven't done my math.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 (Sleepy Bois Inc Au)Where stories live. Discover now