𝒲𝒽𝑜'𝓈 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓉 || 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐹𝒾𝓋𝑒

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"TOMMY" Tommy instinctively turned around and ran in that direction, With Ranboo quickly behind

Tommy stopping for a moment to see if his name would be called again, then continuing to run in that area. The two boys had stopped running before a hand grabbed Tommy's and pulled him into a alleyway. Since Tommy wasn't fighting back Ranboo assumed they knew each other, and followed right after Tommy was grabbed. Once they were fully in the alleyway away from all the people Ranboo got a good look at this person. But stopped once he heard Tommy.

"Tubbo!" Tommy was very excited to see his best friend again, with a reply coming from the other boy "Tommy!" They had the same enthusiasm.

"Who's That?" Tubbo had asked Tommy just noticing the person behind him.

"Oh right, Tubbo this is Ranboo he is a friend of mine also my personal guard. Ranboo this is Tubbo he is a friend from the orphanage. Say what are you doing here Tubbo?"

"Schlatt is here for business and he couldn't leave me alone so he  brought me with him"

Ranboo look curious to what that meant but Tommy couldn't outright say that he was from the enemy kingdom, Instead of Tommy answering Tubbo did.

"Schlatt is a business man we travel around a lot from place to place" Ranboo nodded in response.

Tommy thought for a second before turning to Ranboo " Do you think Phil would let me stay the night at Tubbos?" Ranboo looked like he was in thought "Maybe, you'd have to bring it up with him." Tommy nodded.

"Tubbo" Tommy turned back to the boy standing awkwardly there. "yes?", " Do you think Schlatt if I came over, if I'm allowed I mean", "Probably not he is quite layed back when at home." Tommy looked towards Ranboo, " Ok, Tubbo I will meet you here in about ten to thirty minutes to come to your house."

"See you soon Tommy" Tubbo said as The blonde boy followed the other out of the alleyway.

There was no conversation on the way back to the castle, the silence wasn't uncomfortable, once the two of them made it back to the castle Tommy ran straight inside looking for Philza. Finding him in a large room thanking a servant, He waited until the servant had left and then walked up to Phil.

"excuse me..." Phil looked towards Tommy, "What's up?" Tommy looked around nervously before replying. "One of my friends are in the kingdom and I was wondering if I could stay at their house for the night...?" Phil thought about it for a second before replying. "Ok" Tommy ran up to Phil and hugged him saying a quick thank you before running out of the room to get his things.

"What The Hell!" Phil turned around and saw both of his sons. " We couldn't go out of the castle until we were 14!" He looked at the two of them and then looked towards the door that was now wide open. " Well, yes but he grew up OUTSIDE the castle while you two grew up INSIDE the castle walls" The two boys shared a look towards each other before turning back to their father. " Can me and Wil go out for a bit?"


Sorry for the short chapter but I feel like the next chapter needs it's own chapter.

I will be posting a chapter every week starting with this one.

Words in chapter : 561

Words in general : 583

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 (Sleepy Bois Inc Au)Where stories live. Discover now