𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓶𝓮 || 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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With Tommy


After a goodnight rest Tommy got up relatively early just so he could pack and be ready, so he had free time before leaving not like he really had anything to do.

There was a knock on his door before it was opened with a squeak.

"Tommy the family from-" Shina cut herself off when she noticed he was packed "when-why- how did you know that you where chosen?"

"Just a feeling" He said walking down the stairs to the kitchen followed by the worker " The king will be here in around an hour to pick you up." Tommy nodded and ran back up the stairs avoiding the children running around.

Once he got up to his room he flew through the sunroof to have a look around the forest around the orphanage. Seeing nothing out of the usual he sat on the roof, waiting for the time to pass. He woke up to strong gust of wind, He looked around to see where it came from. He spotted the source, The King.

"'Ello mate, all packed, ready to go?" He asked the boy sitting down.

Tommy nodded and ran towards the sunroof, hopping down and grabbing the box's he had packed prior flying back up once he got them, following King Philza to his car.

"the drive's around an hour long so I would recommend getting comfy." And that's exactly what Tommy did laying his head on the car seat, slowly falling into a slumber

Once Tommy woke up he was in a room he assumed it was his room because all his boxes seemed untouched and on the floor. He examined the room and realised he must be on some king sized bed or something because he has been shifting around and hasn't fallen off yet. Looking towards his bedside table he noticed a note.

Hello Tommy

If you are reading then you have woken up I don't know what time you will wake up at so when you are ready please come down stairs into my study room, I doubt you would know where it is so, ask a maid or butler where you could find it.


Getting out of his bed he walked towards the door opening in awe as everything looked very elegant, and quite nice. Noticing a maid and walking towards her nervously.

"E-excuse me... do you know where Phil's study room Is" Tommy asked, showing her the note.

She smiled warmly and replied "Follow me dear" Following the woman to a room memorising the left and right turns as they went. "Go inside." she said before leaving.

He knocked on the door and heard a faint "Come in."

Tommy's Point of View


If I was being honest with myself I would say I'm nervous but I'm not so I open the door and walked inside seeing Phil sitting in a chair facing his desk.

"Hello" I said looking at the back of his chair

Phil turned his chair to face me with a smile

"Hello Tommy how was you sleep, please have a seat I want to have a talk." He said pointing towards a couch.

I started Walking towards the couch and sat down.

"Before we start I have a question for you Tommy." I nodded "Do you know when you adoptive family is going to get you?" I shook my head.

"Shina knows though so if you want to know I would recommend talking to her." I said

"moving on I want to introduce you to your personal guard, well until its time for you to go. He is practically part of the family. This is Ranboo" I looked towards the person he was looking at and smiled towards the guy. "He will help escort you around the castle with the help of butlers as well, The maids will supply your outfit, breakfast is usually at 7:30 of course someone will come collect you for the first few times. Now I would recommend going back to sleep its pretty late."

"Goodnight Phil" I said as I was leaving Ranboo following a little after me.

"Do you know your way back to your room?" He asked, I nodded but before he could walk away, " But I would like some compony if you would like to join me."

He looked surprised by the question but agreed nonetheless we walked in silence since I didn't know what time is was and if the others were already asleep. Once we got back to my room I closed my door behind Ranboo.

"So what do you like to do..?" It was quite awkward " I mean I like night walks they are quite peaceful" He replied

"Guess we have something in common then, late night walks are quite peaceful, It makes reality just disappear." He nodded back " I had a question Ranboo. "hm?", "Would you mind if I sometimes run off without you, I mean I would need you to escort me back to the castle to not make it look suspicious." He looked at me slightly confused. " It would depend where your going, If its somewhere Bad then ill probably have to go with you for precaution, but I wouldn't tell Phil if it was somewhere I know would be fine."

"Thank you Ranboo" Tommy was thankful that he got Ranboo has his personal gaurd.

"It was nice meeting you Sir Tommy" He said before leaving.

No ones Point of view


Once Ranboo left, Tommy still wasn't felling tired so he decided to decorate a bit  to waste time.

Taking out the soft toys ___________ sent him and put them on his bed, as well as taking out photos of his best friend and putting it on the bed side table, moving the box of letters ___________ sent to him, and putting them under the bed along with Tubbo's letters. After shifting the boxes and soft toys he was feeling tired, tucking himself back into bed, and falling into a slumber.


Chapter Three Complete


Words in story : 1000

Words in general : 1032

I doubt I will make a chapter tomorrow so take this now.

hope you have enjoyed the storyline so far!

farewell - SoundWolf

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 (Sleepy Bois Inc Au)Where stories live. Discover now