𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓜𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼|| 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁

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The two Older boys followed the youthful one to wherever he was going, They kept a good distance away but still in range to hear and see what he would say and do. When the three boys came to a stop they were at a fountain.

"TUBBO!" Their brother yelled from in front of them.

"Hello Tommy you ready to go?"

The pink haired brother tuned to the other

"Go where?" The other, Wilbur looked just as confused as his twin. The two tuned back into the conversation.

"Did you tell Schlatt where we were going?"

"I did though you gave me short notice, your lucky I was still in town when Ranboo came up to me with your message." The brunet boy continued.

"Schlatt agreed as long as I'd be back for dinner so we gotta make this visit short ok?"

the blonde boy nodded 

"Do you have a horse it will be easier and quicker to get there."

The twins looked beyond the boys to see a horse, that was spotted from head to two in white splotches. It was in a good condition meaning it was properly taken care of, and loved. Before the boys realised in the two younger ones were off riding into the sunset. Hopping on TechnoBlades horse, Carl, who was a beautiful chocolate coated stallion. They chased after the duo making sure not to go too fast unless they passed them. When the duo stopped their horse they were back in front of the orphanage,

"Why are they here...?" Techno asked oblivious to the confused twin of his. Getting off his horse the two tied him to a tree not too far off from where to place was. They reached a window into the kitchen where Tommy, Tubbo and Shina were talking, the duo opened the rusted window making sure it wouldn't creek when they did it.

"So was there any mail from a certain someone in particular?" Tommy asked the woman holding some letters.

"Ah- Yes there seems to be some from Quackity... and Purpled!" Shina replied with a mischievous  grin.

"NOYOUKNOWWHOIMTALKINGABOUTSHINA" The boy replied very quickly with quite a volume. (No you know who I'm talking about Shina)

"Yes-yes there does seem to be one more ... its from Fundy, Sorry Tommy none from __________" The blonde looked down, face turning from a smile to a from in a matter of seconds.

"Come on Tommy, Lets go out and read these letters..." Tubbo said grabbing his sad friend trying to manoeuvre making sure not to hit anything to wake the sleeping children.

Techno turned to Wilbur, "Why does ___________ sound so familiar" When he looked into Wilbur's eyes they looked shocked. "He couldn't be talking about King ___________ right...? It has to be just a coincident they have the same name...!"

The twins followed the two boys to a log they were sitting on.

"Do you think he forgot my birthday...?" Tommy looked up to meet Tubbo's eyes.

"Of course not I should know trust me he hasn't forgotten, Just wait s few days ok!"

"But my birthdays in a few days does this mean!"

"Don't know Tommy why don't we just read these letters." The blonde boy eagerly nodded.

The twins had walked away back to their horse, they held frowns upon their faces not because they were upset but because they knew what this meant for Phil he had been so happy because of the new child in the castle, because of the deceased one's death the king had never smiled since.

"Should we tell Father about this?" The pink hair twin nodded to his brother " Yes it would be wrong to not but we should talk to Tommy about this first." Getting on Carl they rode off back to the castle and waited in the younger ones room.

Being the nosy people that they were they decided to look around finding letters from someone they had only ever heard of once... "King ___________.... No it HAS to be someone else right..."

"Alright thanks Phil!" Their heads snapped to the door where their foster younger brother was. When he noticed they were there he quickly closed the door and grabbed the letters out their hands.

"Why do you have these!" He whispered in a loud manner.

"They were under your bed, who sent you these." Wilbur practically demanded of the boy.

"It was my adoptive father why? Is there a problem here?" The young prince looked bored as hell.

"It wouldn't happen to be KING ___________ right?" Tommy sifted nervously.

"Of course not I'm a commoner why would King ___________ adopt me..."

"Ok then is it true that your adoptive father will be picking you up on your birthday." His head snapped towards the pink prince.

"Where did you hear that?" Tommy stalked over to where the twins were sitting.

"Word gets round fast, now is it true?"

"Don't know he hasn't actually told me but I believe Tubbo so I think so, Now get out I want to sleep!" The twins respected the wishes of the younger one and walked out.

The two walked down the hall quietly Wilbur leading to Phils study room before being stopped by Techno.

"Don't mention this to Phil." The boy looked confused.

"Why shouldn't we tell him its 'his fucking son'!" Techno looked down, until a idea popped into his head.

"What if we make a relationship with Tommy, Making sure he doesn't want to leave!"

"Techno that is the most... AMAZING Idea you've ever had!" He continued, "How long until his birthday?"

"Apparently to Phil its..." He stopped and looked up wide eyed. "Four days! We have to spend as much time with him as POSIBLE, Starting tomorrow!"

The Two Princes quickly scurried off into their rooms to plan they had decieded that tomorrow would be a day with Wilbur, The next would be Techno's and the day before his birthday Both of them hopping Phil would join them.


Chapter six!

Words in Chapter : 982

Words In general : 1030

Sorry for not posting I've had test and I have more coming up.


You guys are honestly gonna hate me for the last chapter I have it planned.

Expected a lot of up dates in these two weeks


𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 (Sleepy Bois Inc Au)Where stories live. Discover now