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Just so confused about it,
feeling the blues about it.
I just can't do without ya
can you tell me, is this fair?
| What goes around around, comes around
- Justin Timberlake

 I just can't do without ya can you tell me, is this fair?| What goes around  around, comes around - Justin Timberlake

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"Blair if you are going to wear one of my designs, tell me about it so we can least get it properly fitted." Isabella hears the older Waldorf tell her daughter.

"Thanks mom, keep that in mind. Great party." Blair politely says walking away from the older women as she spots the Queen girl.

"Hi. Have you seen Nate?" Blair asks not missing a beat.

"I'm sure he's around." The redhead answers annoyed. What a way to feel welcomed.

"By the way, everything's fine. It's not like I was stuck with lawyers for the past few days." Isabella yells sarcastically to the brunette who disappears into the crowd.
Left standing alone, she moves to find the only person who she she could somewhat stand at the party- Chuck Bass. It was still a huge question why she was friends with him.

"Move." She commands and Katty does who was sitting on the right side of the Bass.

"This party's boring." She comments and the bass boy smirks.
"We could make it interesting." He flirts, putting his arm around her waist. Gross. The redhead rolls her eyes and slaps his hand away.

"My god, you'll never believe what's on Gossip Girl." Katty gushes before Isabella could make a snarky remark or punch his nose.
"My god." She mimics the younger girl. "Can we just get to the news without the dramatics?"

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Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here. And I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, Melanie91, sends us this: "Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand, Serena Van Der Woodsen."
Was it only a year ago our 'it' girl mysteriously disappeared for.... quote "boarding school" ? And now just as suddenly, she's back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves. Lucky for us Melanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo Mel.
XOXO. Gossip Girl.

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"Good, things were getting a little....dull around here." Chuck interjects.

"Really?" Isabella turns towards him with a raised eyebrows. "You want drama at the expense of people's feelings?"

"Don't tell me you weren't thinking the same thing." He says looking her straight in the eye. He just knew her too well.

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