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Did you have fun?
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know
I'm not your friend or anything, damn
| Therefore I Am
- Billie Eilish

4┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙Did you have fun?I really couldn't care less And you can give 'em my best, but just knowI'm not your friend or anything, damn| Therefore I Am - Billie Eilish

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As Isabella reproached the pair of friends, having vaguely heard her name spoken by Nate, her curiosity sparked. Stopping between the pair with a raised eyebrow, the Queen girl scanned the room. "Who's Isabella's ex?" She quizzed, catching the attention of both Nate and Chuck. There weren't many people she dated who would have actually turn up at The Lost Weekend.

Glancing between Isabella and Carter, Nate motioned over- clearly much happier about the situation than his male counterpart. "Carter Baizen." He announced, the redhead's eyes trailing over in the general direction the blonde boy referred her too.

Low and behold, there a man stood.



Isabella blinked momentarily, having not at all expected to be faced with a drug- rug and stubble face. "Now we know he isn't dead at least." She murmured, Nate disappearing from beside her to go and greet his old friend. The bombshell wasn't too certain what to make of the 'new' Carter before her, assuming he'd have a personality crisis.
When the Baizen man had packed up and fled New York- without much of a goodbye to his then girlfriend Isabella Queen, it quickly made the rounds that it was his choice to flee the 'toxic environment' of the Upper East Side- away from all the glamour. He apparently had also cut himself off from his parents, money or otherwise. While Isabella had been too skeptical about all of it, it was not skeptical enough to find out the truth.

Much unlike Isabella and Chuck, Nate was absolutely ecstatic to see his old mentor- Carter having been the one who taught Chuck and Nathaniel to party like an Upper East Sider. How well that turned out was certainly debatable, but either way, Carter Baizen used to be a living legend among the boys of St. Judes.
From his place beside Iz, Chuck narrowed his eyes at the intruder, judging from afar. It was infuriating- not only did he crash the party, he is so in cargo shorts. "Not your finest moment." Chuck muttered, watching as Nate greeted him eagerly, the two sharing a 'bro hug'. Whatever the pair had to talk about was likely the least interesting thing the Bass boy could think of, like lacrosse, or something.
However, Isabella wasn't quite so jealous of her.... she wasn't even sure what Nate was to her. Sure, she'd spend early mornings rambling about what not with Nate but neither had actually defined the nature of their relationship. To say they were best friends would be an overstatement but they were close- as close one can be without dating. So Isabella wasn't quite jealous of her "not friend's"admiration from the voluptuary turned hippie, having would've preferred the previously lost boy whom practically created The Lost Weekend having stayed lost.

With a shrug of boredom, the redhead let out a long sigh. "God, I hate him." She dismissed, her mind hastily moving on to more important matters. "Anyway, while he's distracted- Serena and Blair are doing absolutely nothing remotely interesting. Henceforth, I don't believe I have patience to intervene." She explained, the discussion having been her reason for turning up. It wasn't. She was just bored.

Nodding along Chuck thought for a moment before raising an eyebrow at the girl in curiosity. "You think they are best friends again?" He inquired, Isabella dragging her eyes away from Nate and Carter's chummy greetings. "Probably not for long thought. They'll get in a fight soon enough." She said with a small huff and a shrug.
Pursing his lips in for a moment, Chuck trailed his eyes around the room. He had a party to throw and Isabella could attempt to her 'plan' herself. "Then perhaps I fulfill my hostly duties." He hinted, winking to a girl passing by.

"You are a bastard." The bombshell muttered, puffing her cheeks out with a breath of air. "But sure, go ahead." She announced, brushing her hair from her shoulder so it fell down to the small of her back.

With a grin, Nate rushed over, motioning lazily to Carter over his shoulder. "Guys, Carter was just telling me about- what was it?" He quizzed, glancing over his shoulder before hyperactively turning to the pair, allowing no response. "Paraguay? You guys have to hear this." He announced, almost as though he was a kid in a candy store.
Sharing a look, Isabella and Carter came to a silent and collective agreement they they wouldn't yell at each other, or rather she wouldn't.

Sure enough Iz and Chuck had begrudgingly decided to join Nate- Nate beating the redhead to the end seat of the bar, forcing her to sit next to the party crasher whom she hardly wanted to listen the stories of, let alone have a conversation with. Already bored, the girl was contemplating leaving.

"So, I don't understand. The last time I saw your sister, she said your family had locked you out and you'd fallen off the face of the earth." Nate explained, eyes trained to Carter in wonder.
Understatement of the year.

It was kind of like when you get a small child a new toy for Christmas- so invested for the first day or two, then is dismissed in the closet with all the others. However, it didn't quite seem the case- the blonde had heard stories like Carter's, and now he was invested.

"I didn't. I just fell off the face of theirs." Carter announced, Nate nodding along. "But once you turn away from money you see it doesn't buy you freedom, it pays for your prison." The Baizen boy went on, the faux- deep, pseudo- philosophical answer practically forcing Iz to roll her eyes.
Letting out a scoff, the bombshell shook her head. The sentence was neither factual nor sensical- even if a far of trace of sentiment was there.

"Clearly you've never been arrested. You don't get bailed out spiritually." She glowered, lifting Carter's mood immediately- the boy letting out a small snicker at her meticulous analysis.

She was finally talking.

words: 1045

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