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I'm a blackbird singing on a river bank
I'm a vulture hanging in the wind
In the last grey folds of a summer in silence
In a night so dark.
| White Glass
- Loma

↱                                                          ↰There's plenty of upsides to being the spawn of the fabulously wealthy

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There's plenty of upsides to being the spawn of the fabulously wealthy. But being the downside? Super successful parents expect nothing less from their offspring. And when it comes to college, that means the Ivies. It's more than just getting into college. It's setting a course for the rest of your life. And for those who aren't legacies, the pressures are no less. When parents have sacrificed for their children's futures....what kid would want to let them down?
XOXO. Gossip Girl.

Private school in Manhattan was like the animal kingdom. A pyramid, or a social hierarchy perhaps? Much like any other society- there's a food chain. At the very bottom sits two groups- The Watchers and The Wannabes.

The Watchers are to put it simply, are the lowest of the low. The very bottom of the pyramid. The watchers while putting on a facade of a 'devil may care' attitude, do in fact care- because just like everyone else, they want in. They want to be on top- in the big legacies, but they wouldn't let anyone know that. Why would they? That's why they're 'The Watchers'. They observe silently and stay put in their places.

Then you have The Wannabes- though their title is the one that is fairly explanatory. No higher up the food chain than that of their low-key counterpart, The Wannabes are the easiest form of prey. This particular group happen to land rock bottom on the social scale - but luckily, when you hit rock bottom, you can only go up - A statement these poor souls live by.

The Wannabes could only wish to be shinning star of it all - except for the fact that they probably couldn't handle the heat. The Wannabes are a small select group of people- that doesn't make them any less determined. One question about the small group still remains, however ; How far are they willing to go to please those whom they ultimately wish to overthrown in the endgame and if so, where would that leave them?

Next up sit the particular group of people that don't really have a name. They aren't at the bottom and they aren't at the top- which kind of makes them irrelevant. Is it worth being better than rock bottom of no body can remember your name? Sure, you got on Gossip Girl once or twice, but that was your five minutes of fame. These guys however, have a possibility of befriending those who run the social hierarchy - some of them had. But no matter, what the 'elites' say goes, the rules were no different. If you sat in the middle, you stood a chance at survival- rather than well, social suicide.

Finally, you have the very best of the best. And who are they? The Elites. The Big Leagues- whatever you want to call them, they're on top of the food chain. The smallest group of all- they are only a select few. The population of them so sparse, in fact, that they each have their own categories. They are the richest, the hottest and the very best at what they do.

You have the one's at the top, or rather just one- Isabella Queen. The impetuous and incredibly patronizing, only kept close by those in which they could run down.
Blair Waldorf, for example. A category of her own, those the threaten and intimidate. Despite this however, while Blair's bite herself was lacking, the bark was most certainly a loud one. She has her minions do her bidding and was perhaps a little too proud of it. Maybe that's why Isabella and Blair were such good friends- Blair was the Queen B and Isabella was the not so jealous best friend backing her up and not shinning in the brunette's spotlight.
Blair's form of punishment carried enough weight and emotional scarring that it would require a couple years in therapy to fix, while the bombshell redhead was a death-or-glory type- one that not many could keep up with. Together, they were a pair made in heaven, or hell one might say.

Next up are those which have a particular affinity for abusing the positions, like Chuck Bass. Cocky and well aware of it- a different woman every night and a playboy on even the worst of days, Chuck Bass never fails to chip in sexual innuendoes to any conversation he came by. But of course, like everyone he has his layers- except his were drowning in both mommy and daddy issues and maybe a small drinking problem. And where Chuck Bass took the position of Manhattan's favorite bad boy, Nathaniel Archibald was the favorite golden boy.

Despite not actually having good grades- Nate was actually a nice guy, with little idea that was actually happening around him- which was cute. But at least he had an idea of what he wanted for his friends, which was the exact opposite of what their parents are. But a guy can dream. Even though he knew that inevitably, money would mean more to them than character. That's what they grew up on after all.
But regardless of who they were, or how different they are, they are the ones that control every little aspect of a place like Constance or St. Judes- and everyone knew it. If you were an outsider that wanted in, they were the keys but they weren't the easy one to obtain. The easiest key had just returned - but if her place still stood was yet to be determined.

Whether or not you were to love them or hate them, because there really isn't an in between, they were the kings and queens of the castle- and you'll keep up with their moves regardless. After all that's why you check your phone when it buzzes, in the hope to read yet another Gossip Girl blast. But of course their positions have downsides- because as Gossip Girl might say, 'One thing about being on top of the world, it gives you a long, long way to fall'. But who cares about a few broken bones when you are the best of the best- or perhaps the best of the worst, right?

It was far too early to worry about trivial matters, because even if school life was a breeze, the same couldn't be said for home.

words: 1099

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