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I'm lookin' for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
every time I let someone in,
then I find out what they're all about
| Real friends
- Camila Cabello

I'm lookin'  for some real friends All they ever do is let me down every time I let someone in, then I find out what they're all about| Real friends - Camila Cabello

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"You really think I don't have a life, don't you?" Isabella asks Serena who had asked the feisty redhead to meet at Wendalls.
She was angry at Serena, more than she's ever admit to. The three had been an iconic duo before the blonde one day just didn't show up.

Isabella Queen was known for many things but emotions wasn't one of them- but no matter what anyone said, her emotions were always at bay, threatening to spill and she always held them back just enough so that she wouldn't drown.
So with a heavy heart and the tiniest bit of faith she could find within, she had reached Wendalls with her brother beside. For moral support of course.

"That's the reason why you texted me to meet you and expect me not to have any plans." The redhead sasses maintaining her tough exterior. "Hi Eric."

"Well, I thought we could use this as bonding time." Serena simply states. Isabella felt like the blonde girl was a lost cause. She couldn't just storm back into their lives and expect them to welcome her with smiles and hugs. "Since I've been back, Blair isn't talking to me, so you're like my only friend."

"Cut the crap Serena." She wished she would. "I'm not your friend either right now." The queen girl said sharply and the taller girl seemed taken back by it. Woah! Harsh.

What did she expect thought, a cake and a party?

"You just got up and left, without even saying goodbye. The only reason I'm still talking to you is because I'm teaching Oli a very valuable lesson. God! I knew it would bite me in the ass one day, just didn't expect it to be so soon." She exclaimed angrily. It was bad enough her year was worse than it should've been, and loosing her best friend without given any reason just didn't seem fair. No matter how many wicked thing she'd done, no one- and she meant no one, is supposed to have their life fall apart all at once. At least she still had money - that was the only thing still going for her.

"Yeah." The Van Der Woodsen girl sighs. There was a time even a sigh from the wild, carefree girl would've concerned Isabella but right now was not it. "I'm really sorry about that, I promise I want to fix things and..-and I know you and Blair are so much closer now, I don't want to ruin it. I just want things to be like the old times. The iconic S, B and Iz." She stated dreamily.

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