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Only seventeen, but she walks the streets so mean
It's alarming, truly, how disarming you can be
Eating soft icecream, Coney island queen
She says, "you don't want to be like me
Looking for fun, getting high for free
I'm dying, I'm dying"
| Carmen
- Lana Del Rey

4┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙Only seventeen, but she walks the streets so meanIt's alarming, truly, how disarming you can beEating soft icecream, Coney island queenShe says, "you don't want to be like meLooking for fun, getting high for freeI'm dying, I'm dy...

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Seems like someone's itinerary didn't leave room for interlopers. Doesn't Chuck know a party is not a part until someone crashes? It looks like a line from the past- or specifically Iz's, had it appeared at this years Lost Weekend, it seems Nate's much more drawn to Carter Baizen's charity work than he is Chuck's party. That's rough, C.
XOXO. Gossip Girl.
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Dragging her eyes away from his glass, Carter inspected his ex with a sigh. "It's a metaphor." He argued with a smile but it sounded more like ' I had to get away' to her ears, or maybe he was actually saying that. Iz answered with a dismissive raise of the eyebrows- as if asking ' Did you now?' They we're having a conversation without words which was apparent to the other two people standing by.
Clearly lacking interest, she downed the remainder of the scotch from Nate's glass- letting the golden liquid burn her throat. Turning back to Nate, Carter noted he was the only one who had even an ounce of interest in what he had to say. "They say I disappeared, but all I did was break out." He explained, the fabrication of the statement being about as fake as the silicon based gel that coated the man's hair. But still, Nate only grew more interested, his eyes widening in curiosity.

"Where did you go?" He quizzed, Chuck rolling his eyes at his friend's naive eagerness. There was nearly as much need for ' The Golden Boy' to feel guilty about the life he led that he had to indulge in stories from those who travel around low economy countries on faux- motorcycles. Chuck's lack of interest didn't stop Carter from indulging Nate's. It should have.

"Where didn't I? I aided the cleanup post- Katrina, spent a year rebuilding Machu Picchu- which, let me tell you, it's changed my life." He explained with a small laugh at the found memory. "I brought an HD cam and started filming it for a documentary-." He began, Chuck opted it was his turn to cut in. With furrowed eyebrows, the brunette boy motioned over, his interruption catching the boy's attention.

"You're the guy who gave us our first joint, snuck us into our first club, and you're gonna tell me the life of YouTube filmmaker is better than this?" He quizzed rhetorically, his eyes flickering around the room. Carter shrugged, only encouraging Chuck further. "You invented the Lost Weekend." He hissed, adamant that his point had to be made.
With a shrug, Nate learnt further over the bar to address his friend, clearly his mind drifting to what it would be like to clean up after the hurricane.

"Hey, who cares about a party when you can travel the world?" The much more trusting boy reasoned, only urging Chuck to eat out a groan as he rolled his eyes in annoyance. The naive golden boy- they were clichés after all.
Growing tired of Nate and Carter's ever developing bromance, where the Baizen boy ranted - which is fairly easy to say when you go into the real world with what you managed to steal from your trust fund before you got kicked to the curb, Isabella rolled her eyes at the irony. Even if the topic wasn't a complete drab to Iz, she knew Nate wasn't cut for hurricane cleanups.

"As much as I love the speech about not needing material things from a guy who has that much product in his hair." Chuck began, the Queen girl not bothering to hide the shameless smile that crossed her face at the acknowledgment of Carter's newfound affinity for hair gel. Having caught Nate and Carter's attention with his interruption once more, the Bass boy motioned around the room smugly. "This party is about excess, not exposition. Stop talking. Start partying." He demanded, specifically in referral to the party's rules. The boy waved over two escorts, a blonde and a brunette wandering over, causing Isabella to lean to her left vexatiously to make room.

While the boys argued again on the previous topic, the redhead's eyes flickered to her phone where she texted away. Blair had been texting her on and off since she'd arrived, something about the girl scoring a spot as a model for her mother's line and she had a photo shoot that she needed Isabella at.

"As much as I'd love to- which I absolutely wouldn't, I have things to attend to. People to see, photo shoots to get to. Normal people things outside your drug infested brothel." She explained, slipping off the barstool and grabbing her bag off the bar as she did. Letting out a huff of amusement, Carter looked to Nate with raised eyebrows.

"She's a model now?" He inquired with a small smirk, clearly entertained at the notion. The girl hardly had any patience to sit still and allow some photographer to order her around about what to do with her body while he took pictures. As if.

At the tone, Isabella cocked her head, turning her attention to the man with the unevenly shaved face. "She's right here. But no, I have support duties that need to be attended to." She explained, slipping her phone into her handbag. "And what is it you do besides selling discounted drug- rugs?" She countered, Carter nodding in understanding that she was in no mood for jokes, at least not his.
"Ciao." She dismissed, aiming a wave at her pair of friends as she disappeared from the bar area.

Snatching her long coat from the hook by the entrance, Isabella shifted around a couple of escorts and quickly exited the room, having plenty else to do beside chat about charity and sex worker. Only if.

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Good evening, Upper East Siders, it seems Nate's left Chuck high and dry for Carter Baizen- looks like Carter's the official cardholder tonight. As for Serena, we hear she ditched Lonely Boy for best friend Blair- and we still don't know what went down between Iz and Carter. How many secrets will you hide Iz?
You know you love me.
XOXO. Gossip Girl.
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words: 1073

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