Surgery-Dick's Pov

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"Shh. It's okay Dami,I know I know you are scared."

Damian's terrified whimpers echoed through the room. I felt so bad for him.

"Damian please quit that It's okay these doctors are professionals. "

Damian seemed to calm down a bit at that but he wouldn't be completely calm for a little while.

We still had about a half hour until.the surgery and it was four in the morning. Damian would probably just sleep through mist of today after the surgery.

I talked to him for another half hour then it was time to begin the surgery. They put Damian under the anesthesia and he immediately passed out.

I decided to leave I just couldn't watch them hurt my baby even if he was sleeping. 

Bruce arrived after a while of my pacing outside,hoping my baby didn't awaken during the surgery and that he would be okay.

"Dick he'll be fine." I turned around and was about to scream when I stopped myself from screaming in pain and hurt for my baby.

"Bruce our baby is in there hurting right now. " Bruce hugged me and said "No he's healing from terrible tragedy" I nodded.

I leaned into Bruce's shoulder,sleeping there while Damian was in surgery. I had a Terrible dream that Damian had died and gasped awake,Bruce helping me recover.

The titans came after the surgery. We walked into the large room Damian was sleeping in,the medicine still effecting him.

He looked so incredibly peaceful,he wasn't moving nor snoring but he was incredibly still and silent.

We talked quietly for a few hours when Damian finally opened his green eyes.

"Damian how do you feel?" I asked.

He didn't say anything and I realized it was probably because of the medicine.

I smiled as I walked over to my baby. "Later we can walk around but for now the medicine has to wear off."

Damian nodded and leaned into my chest. He gave me this exhausted look and closed his eyes. He was still tired and it was noon! "Dick perhaps you should lay down along with Damian. You're both tired." Bruce pointed out.

"Mmm. Mhm."Damian murmured. "Okay I will but wake me in 2 hours" I said. I laid on my back my baby brother snuggled I to my chest. He immediately fell asleep and I dozed off after a minute. 

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