Life's Tough- Damian's Pov

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I sighed. I hated being stuck in this wheelchair. I feel so helpless. I know I still have months to wait. But I want to run with Titus,go out on dates with Raven,even just talking to Grayson while I stand seems suitable. Tears fell down my cheeks. "Why did this happen to me?! What did ever do to deserve this?" I sobbed. "Nothing. You didn't deserve this." I looked up. "Koriand'r" I said through tears. "She's right,Damian. You never deserved this. You will get better,but you have to wait."

I needed some comfort I guess. "But I don’t want to get better later I want to get better NOW " I sobbed. My entire body was shaking. Except my legs. Because they're paralyzed. Grayson hugged me. "Shh. It's okay. It's okay. I know how bad you must feel." He kissed the top of my head as my teary eyes shut. I leaned against him. He must have left me at some point because when I opened my eyes,I was alone.

I yawned,realizing I must have fallen asleep. Using my arms,I pushed myself up into a sitting position. But I was to short to reach my wheelchair. Using my arms,I inched towards it, finally I reached it and after a minute,got myself on it. When I went out into the living room,I saw Grayson and everyone else sitting there. Raven had a cup of tea in her hands.

"You didn't have to leave me you know." I huffed at my brother. "You fell asleep,I didn't think I had to stay." I rolled my eyes. "It took me five minutes to reach my wheelchair,hello! MY LEGS ARE PARALYZED!!" I pointed out. "Right. Sorry. Sometimes I forget you can't move at all." He muttered sadly. "Here. This will help with calm you down. You should have called for us." Raven stated calmy. I took the cup from her hand and said "I'm not completely helpless." Raven kissed my cheek and smiled a bit. "I know,but sometimes help is acceptable. I understand denial is how you cope."

I leaned into Raven's shoulder. She rubbed my back and then stopped me up without warning. "Hey!" I said angrily,my eyes glaring at her. She sits down next to Grayson,setting me on her lap. "Stop staring Grayson!" I snapped. A teasing grin took over his face. "You wanna come to me?" He asked holding out his arms.

I just rolled my eyes. "Raven put me back in my wheelchair." I demanded. "Fine." She said. She hugged me and kissed me then brought me back to my wheelchair. She kissed my lips and I kissed back with passion. " I love you,Damian." My heart fluttered.

Did she really love me? The crippled boy? This was the first ever time she said that she loved me. "I love you too,Raven" I said. She hugged me. "I know." She murmured.

Grayson sent a loving and teasing glare my way. "Bruce is so hearing about this!" He said. "NO HE'S NOT!!"  I shouted angrily. "Show him some love,Cowboy. He's been through a lot. Don't tease him" she shot back. I hugged her arm,hand immediately twisting around me. "Are you still tired?" She asked. "A bit." I said. "I can tell." She said to me. "Rest,you need it." She picked me up again,and lovingly Kissed my forehead as I fell asleep.

Dick's Pov: Damian lay,resting in Raven's lap. I looked at his peaceful body,placing a small peck to his head. He was still exhausted from where he cried himself to sleep. I sighed. He really didn't deserve this. Neither did Barbara though,and she was shot. Perhaps Deathstroke was enlightened by Joker,who paralyzed Barbara. If Raven hadn't have killed him,I would have.

Never mind, I just hope he recovers quickly. I can tell he just wants to walk again.

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