The Day Before-Jaime's Pov

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It was pretty obvious that Damian was nervous about this surgery. Anyone could see that. He slept out on the couch so we all saw him asleep on the couch this morning. Dick commented he must be tired because he's always awake before the rest of us. I agreed but after he awoke he started hyperventilating because he was scared. 

"Baby, don't be scared. I'm just sorry this happened to you. But this surgery will fix you." Raven said, tenderly kissing Damian's hair.  His breathing calmed and Raven carried her boyfriend to the table. "Eat." she instructed. He bit into the food, only eating a  little bit before saying he was done. "Little D, you need to eat more. I know you're nervous but please, eat." Damian nodded,nibbling on his food a bit more. He leaned into Raven and she smiled. "it'll be alright." she murmured to him. " He nodded. "Mk" he mumbled. 

None of us are  used to his soft side and we'll probably never see it again. Wow. Just realized that.

Damian ate a little more before he was done and he was shivering nervously.

"Damian It's time to leave!" Dick said.

I was kinda confused. Then I remembered that the doctor was going to explain the procedure to him and the rest of Damian's family.

I sighed. Now we were going to have to listen to a weeping Raven all day.

Heaven knows she can't live without him at this point.

I tried to keep myself occupied,mainly by playing video games with Gar while Raven and Kori talked. Terra was out in town with some friends she had made.

It came time for me to go to the Charity Center,where I would be for the rest of the day.

When I arrived,everyone greeted me and I began cooking as the Scarab began scolding me for leaving.

It wanted to relax,especially after I almost had a heart attack when Damian accepted the surgery.

Whenever I got home,I saw Damian and Dick both with exhausted looks on their faces.

"Long day huh?" I asked.

Damian sent a death glare my way. "You're dead Jaime"

I gulped as a shiver ran down my spine.

Damian was finally back to normal.

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