Decision-Jaime's Pov

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Damian lay there,the medicine has worn off of him. " I'm fine Pennyworth." He muttered. The plane soon landed and we were helped off by a girl in a uniform. I recognized her to be "Batgirl?" Dick smiled. "Thanks for the help Babs." The girl smiled. "It's fine. Anyway,What happened to our little brother?" She asked in concern. "Wait what?" Terra said. "Guys this is my good friend Barbara Gordon. We once were in a relationship but it suffered. We have new loves now." Kori smiled and grabbed Barbara's hand."I'm Kori of Tamaran. Nice to meet you." Barbara smiled. "Nice to meet you too Kori. Anyway where's Luke?" She asked. A boy with Dark green almost blue looking eyes responded. "Upstairs with Isabel and Tim. Why?" He responded."Oh never mind. I'm just worried about him." The boy nodded. " Yeah well now we need to worry about Damian. Not your newfound romance." He pointed out. "Oh yeah. What about and Isabel? You love her right? Jason."

"Like I've already told you we are just frien-"

"JASON PETER TODD DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!! Don't think I didn't see the kiss you placed on her cheek. You are so into her." Said Barbara with a smirk.

Damian let out a small groan,letting us know he was hurting. "Dude,are you okay?!" Garfield screamed. "Oww my head hurts." He muttered. "Here, once these settle i to your system you should sleep." Alfred murmured to our friend.

"Mmk." He hummed. Raven stroked his hair. "I love you Damian." He turned his head towards Raven. "I love you too Raven. I'm not sure what to do. I need advice." He murmured half asleep. "Later,you're exhausted." She kissed his head and got up.

Garfield and I have to share a room. Terra and Donna are sharing. Jon and Dick are sharing a room so Kori can stay with Raven. I turned to Garfield. "Hey Gar,you don't think Damian'll leave do you?" I asked. "I don't think he will to be honest. Whenever he talked about living here he talked about how he was isolated and a secret from the world. Plus Dick and Raven are living with us. Even if his family is here I don't think he'll leave us." He answered.

When did he get so wise? Or does he just act dumb?

I couldn't tell. My eyelids began to drop and I layed down on the bed. "Goodnight." Garfield said turning off the light. "Goodnight." I responded out of energy. I awoke to a certain beast jumping on me. "Come on! Damian's butler made Toast and Avocados and waffles and pancakes!!" He grinned turning back into a human. "Come on!!" He shouted. I rubbed my eyes. "Okay,okay!" I said following my happy green friend. There was practically a buffet on the table!! Damian was there with Raven holding his hand,a concerned look on her face. He smiled and sug into some of his food,causing her to smile a bit. "Okay I'm sorry." She said. "You're right. You're not helpless. But you are a bit weak." She added. "I'm not that weak. I actually feel a lot better than yesterday." He responded. He began eating more pf the food piled on his plate. "Son have you made your decision?" Damian looked up and choked a bit.

"No?" He said more to himself than us. "Why haven't you?" He asked. "Because Father I have people I love here and at the tower." He responded. His father smiled. "Okay,but you do need to choose ." Damian nodded. "Guys crime alert!!" Barbara exclaimed. Everyone but Damian and Raven suited up. "Raven?" Terra asked. "I need to look after Damian. I'll put him in his wheelchair okay?" Terra nodded and we left.

Raven's Pov:    As I placed Damian in his wheelchair he groaned and looked at me. I didn't mind carrying him for a second anyway. He sighed. "Why did this happen to me?!" He suddenly cried. "It's not fair." He sobbed. I hugged his slim body close to mine. "It's okay." I said encouragingly. It broke my heart to see my lover so saddened by what happened. I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle kiss. He leaned into me and muttered "I love you." I stroked his hair. "Are you gonna stay with me,Damian?" I asked. "Mm. Yeah I wanna stay with you." I pecked the top of his head overjoyed he was gonna stay with me.

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