Good New and Bad News- Terra's Pov

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I sat down as Dick was chatting with a professional doctor. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! THAT GREAT."  He shouted enthusiastically.  "Six months huh?"  He muttered sadly. "Okay thanks Doc. Bye." He said hanging up. "I've got good news! Damian will walk again!" All of is titans cheered. "But he can't get the surgery that will save his legs for six months. That's the bad news." Guilt swarmed me. This was all my fault.

If I had betrayed Slade earlier then Damian probably wouldn't have gotten shot. This was my fault. The guilt was killing me. "Why was I such a fool?" I muttered. "Yeah why were you?" Raven shot back angrily. She was carrying Damian Bridal style,he was asleep. "Oh there he is." Dick held out his arms and received Damian from Raven.

"Well aren't you just so precious?" Dick cooed to his sleeping brother. Damian awoke and leaned in Dick. "Huh?" He drowsily murmured. "You'll get a surgery that'll fix your legs. But it'll take six months and three month of recovery."  Damian nodded. "I won't be Robin after surgery will I?" He asked sadly. " Babs had that surgery and she's Batgirl again. After recovery you'll build up strength to run and jump."
Damian gasped with glee. "I will become Robin again! But I'm going to need surgery. I'm scared" he mumbled. "Nothing to be scared of. They'll give you some sleeping medicine so you'll fall asleep before the surgery. You'll be okay"

"Well I hate the pain that goes with surgery. It hurts extremely bad." He mumbled. Raven grabbed his body and held him close. She kissed him on the head and told him "It'd be worth it. Unless you wanna stay in my arms forever." Damian shuddered. "Fine." He grumble. "Tired?" Dick chuckled. "Tt! No" he said. "Aww you are tired" he said.

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