Chapter 2. New Teamate and Terra Stays

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Dick's Pov.     Damian was on the roof when Raven came back. She was holding a squirming puppy in her arms. She went to the roof. Damian came back down, a big grin on his face as he talked to Raven. I smiled,seeing him falling in love was surprisingly soothing. I knew he was in good hands. Then we got an alert. Darkseid had been slain by the Flash. Damian smiled as Raven latched onto him at the news. Then we did a team vote on if Terra stays or leaves.  "All in favor of Terra leaving raise your hand." Kori instructs the others.. Damian and Raven raised their hands. Titus gave his two owners a confused look before placing his small paws in his two owners hands. I laughed. "So that's 2 and a half votes for Terra." Kori laughed. So Terra was staying. "So,tomorrow is a very special day. We will be getting a new hero named Donna." I smiled Kori as she kissed my cheek. "Wondergirl." Damian acknowledged. We just nodded. "Alright it's been a long day. And we alk need to rest. Especially you Damian. It's been a pretty long week. Get some sleep,Damian." I said. He just nodded and got up. He went back to his room and when I was about to leave,I decided to check on him. I typed in the code to let me in. Inside was Damian,snoring softly as he layed in his usual dead solider sleeping position. Kori looked inside his room with me and he awoke from his slumber. "Huh? Grayson,Kori?" He asked sleepily. "Rest,Damian. You deserve it."  I closed the door to his bedroom,leaving him to rest. "Hopefully he recovers from his injuries. I've banned him from patrol for a week to help him rest. We'll only call him when necessary." I said. She nodded.

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