Jealous Raven:Dick's Pov

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I smiled looking down at my sleeping brother and kissed the top of his head. He looked so peaceful. He rolled over,trying to get comfortable with his hand now on my chest along with his head. Aww. He snuggled into me and let out a soft sigh. I closed my eyes along with him. The next day. Donna smiled admiring Damian. He was just reading on the couch and she suddenly joined him. Raven was angry. If she had laser eyes Donna would have been dead a long time ago. "Hey Damian" Raven said going to Damian's other side,jealousy taking control. "Hey Raven" he said nonchalantly. She suddenly kissed his cheek and smirked at Donna. "Back off he's mine." Damian looked at her angrily. "Actually I don't belong to Anyone!!" He shouted and stormed off. I sighed and ran after him. When I opened his door he was crying. "Why. Why am I so bad at this?" I rubbed circles on his back. "Love is complicated Baby Bat. But you'll be fine. I know you will. Besides Raven was wrong. You don't belong to her. That's not how love works" Damian smiled. "Thanks Grayson." I grinned at him. "No problem Little D"

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