Chapter 2 - Playing the Heroine

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The Walter Enterprises CEO ran hand through his now disheveled hair. Michael had agreeably took his routine nap a few minutes ago, tucked safely in the private rooms connected to his office. The man was tempted to simply join his son and sleep his problems away and would've likely done so if his afternoon schedule wasn't so packed.

Which admittedly was his own doing, seeing as his son insisted on joining him to the office today. Considering how his son was wary at even the sight of strangers the raven haired man had decided it would be best to ensure that he was able to accompany the boy.

Now, without the distraction his son or work provided him, the words his grandmother had uttered in the morning had began to plague his thoughts once more.

"In order to remain as the CEO you will need to be wed in 6 months time."

'How the hell am I supposed to do that? In 6 months no less?' The raven haired man grumbled internally, fingers tapping insistently at the polished wood of his desk. 'Hell, how is anyone supposed to do that unless they're already in a relationship?'

He was startled out of his brooding when the door to his office opened with a bang. Boisterous laughter following the sight of a grinning brunette man who greeted him with a cheery, "I heard congratulations are in order huh?"

"How did you get in?"

"You should know by now that it's useless to keep me out of your office. I even greeted your assistant on my way in."

"You're lucky that I made sure the private room was soundproofed," the raven haired man sighed. "I'm guessing you've heard the news I received this morning as well?"

"You bet I did," the man replied, still chuckling slightly. "Best news I've heard all year!"

Blue eyes narrowed in annoyance, "This isn't funny you asshole,"

"You're right. It's not funny," Theo complied his voice somewhat serious, before a wide grin split his face. "It's fuckin' hilarious!"

The Walter CEO crossed his arms, staring emotionlessly as his friend coughed. "Are you done laughing now?"

"For now," Theo agreed, "but you can you blame me? Your grandmother is practically forcing you to get a love life! Literally nothing beats this!" He argued indignantly, the underlying tone of amusement still present in his voice.

The raven haired man sighed, "You try having your grandmother force you to get married and see how well you do."

Theo snorted, pointing a finger at himself. "The day my grandmother interferes with my love life is the day you actually decide to go through with this whole marriage deal," he paused briefly as if to drive the point home. "It's damn near impossible."

Conrad huffed out a tired breath, slumping in his seat, "With how things are going, I think that occurring might be a bigger possibility."

"...You're joking right?" The other man responded slowly, disbelief coating his every word, pacing forwards so that he could lean his hands on the desk. "You can't be serious about this? I mean are you really going to try get married in 6 months? Can you even hold a steady relationship?"

The Walter CEO shrugged, "I dunno, after what happened with that woman I never tried. Never wanted to either."

"Then tell me exactly how you plan to get married? You probably can't even get a steady girlfriend," his friend stated, voice heavily laced with skepticism.

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