Chapter 4 - A (Planned) Fated Meeting

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"So" A blonde man stated, his voice strained and a slightly visible tick on his forehead. "When were you planning on telling me about this?"

A petite woman stood in front of him grinning cheekily, the sunlight highlighting her platinum pink hair with a golden shine. "Right now, actually," Alice replied brightly. "Babe, you're paying for the 3 of us today."

Behind her, Lily muffled her laughter into her hands as the man sighed tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose as if trying to not to lash out.

"Fine, fine. Just head inside and order whatever you want," James finally relented, waving a hand towards the elegantly decorated café behind him. Alice squealed in delight, quickly pecking her boyfriend on the cheek in thanks before she rushed off to book a table.

Lily and James followed her inside in a much more sedated pace, the woman turning to smile sheepishly at the other. "I'm sorry if I interrupted a date you planned. She told me that the lunch plan for today was still on so..."

The blonde waved away her apologies.

"It's fine Lily, you're welcomed to join us anytime," James smiled, placing a grounding hand on her shoulder as he lead her into the café. "Besides, this way we would both be sure that you're eating enough."

The brunette aimed a glare at the unrepentant man, settling into the seat across her grinning best friend with a huff. "I'm literally 22 years old James, I can take care of myself,"

The other simply raised an eyebrow, eyes glinting.

"I don't like you right now." Lily mumbled out, reaching out a towards the menu which she began to peruse slowly. James laughed, ruffling her hair; as best as he could when it was tied up in a high ponytail, as he passed to his own seat. "As long as you eat and sleep properly, you can dislike me all you want."

Lily simply responded with a pointed turning of the page, eyes affixed to the multitude of pictures displayed on the paper. Her childish antics causing the couple to share amused grins with one another.

"So," Alice probed after they had each placed their orders, leaning forwards on the table. "When were you going to tell me that you're apparently married to Conrad Walter?"

She was met with a deadpanned stare.

"I told you, I don't even know the guy,"

"Conrad Walter?" James interjected, glancing inquisitively at the brunette across him. "Like THE Conrad Walter? The business tyrant?"

His girlfriend nodded eagerly, "The very same!" She then turned to waggle her eyebrows suggestively at the frowning Lily, "So, anything to tell us Mrs. Walter?"

"Don't call me that," The brunette replied exasperated. "And there's nothing to say, I didn't even know that the child was his for God's sake!"

"So the woman in that picture was you!"

"Shush! You don't need to scream it out for everyone to hear you know James!"

"Do you know how many woman are on a manhunt to find out the identity of the woman in the picture?" The blonde pressed on. "It's a good thing that the picture was extremely blurry that people could only recognize Walter's face,"

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