Chapter 8 - The Office Announcement

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The next morning found Lilian staring up at the large high-rise building that acted as the main building of the Walter Enterprises' headquarters. Seeing as it was connected to two other similar towers through the usage of sky bridges, forming a sort of triangle formation in its entirety. The brunette took a moment to admire the grand structure, despite knowing how well-known the company is, she was still rather shocked at the sheer size of their main building.

'What exactly did I get myself into?' She thought ruefully, shaking her head slightly before she began to make her way inside.

Much like its exterior, the interior of the building was lavishly decorated with modern tastes. It was also incredibly spacious, Lily was sure that if she had to go around alone she would be lost within the hour. Snapping out of her thoughts, the woman turned to one of the many couches littered around the office lobby as she took out her phone. Once she was seated, the brunette sent out a quick text, she had agreed to meet up with Walter in his office today in order to finalize the contract agreements. Which was why she was even here in the first place despite feeling slightly out of place dressed semi-casually in a t-shirt tucked into a blazer and skirt set as she was. Receiving a reply within seconds, Lily settled to wait, idly scrolling through her messages before going social media once she had exhausted the messages she needed to respond to.

For a while nothing seemed to change as employees bustled about the building, however, as it neared the 10 minute mark Lily could begin to hear the growing murmurs around her. Glancing up, she noticed the increased stares and whispers her way, most of them in confusion but there are a few who were sending her suspicion-filled looks. Watching as some of the female employees began to head her way, with a security staff in tow, whether simply as a precaution or if they've had one too many run-ins with Walter's more enthusiastic fans Lily wasn't sure. 

As they grew closer, the brunette stiffened already gearing up for a possible confrontation when a shout sounded through the lobby.


Turning towards where the shout sounded Lily was met with the sight of an excitedly waving Michael who was being carried by his father. Despite herself, the brunette couldn't resist waving back to the toddler who beamed back at her, wiggling excitedly in his father's hold. The raven haired man had just taken a single step in the building when his mini-me started protesting in his hold, huffing and pouting at his father who simply gave him an exasperated look but relented. He only just managed to steady Michael on his feet before the toddler was dashing towards the brunette, grinning cheerily.

Lily let out a fond huff as she rose to her feet to meet the toddler midway, crouching down once she was close enough in order to receive an enthusiastic hug from the boy who giggled, nuzzling his cheek against hers. "Hi mommy, I missed you,"

An affectionate smile tugged at her lips as she rose, Michael carried securely in her arms. "Hello Michael, I missed you too, I wasn't aware you would be coming with your daddy today,"

"He was begging to come once he heard I was meeting you," Conrad explained, striding towards the pair. "And it was easier to bring him then try to reason with him when he gets like this,"

Lily frowned, momentarily forgetting that they were in the lobby and thus were attracting quite the crowd from his employees. "Won't you be busy with your work though? Who's gonna watch over him?"

"If I'm just doing paperwork in my office he usually stays with me, we've packed his iPad with us to keep him entertained and if I need to go to meetings he stays in the adjoining room to my office to nap or continue playing."


"The adjoining room is equipped with a bed and a shower, I had it made for occasions when I have to stay in the office late in order to finish up businesses and other paperwork." Conrad explained, a hand ruffling at his son's hair, "Now it's mostly being used by him for his naps, though it is highly secure seeing as only two people; including myself, are aware of the code to open the door."

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