Chapter 7 - A Deal With the Devil

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"Are you out of your mind?" Lily hissed quietly, bending down as best as she could to glare at the raven haired man. "Why are you proposing to me?!"

"What do you mean why?" Conrad retorted softly, "you already agreed to being Michael's mother, this just makes it official don't you think?"

Brown eyes narrowed. "Are you seriously staging a public proposal just because your son decided, on a whim I might add, that I'm his mother?"

"Sure, you can say that's one part. I mean, you've seen yourself how hard it is for Michael to willingly interact with anyone. But, it's also because I have a proposal for you,"

Lily pursed her lips in thought, "What kind of proposal?"

"Well you're going to have to say yes to know about it aren't you?"

The brunette stared at the man who easily returned her gaze with one of his own. Her eyes darted from the ring he held, to the murmuring crowd around them, before finally returning to the barely concealed look of victory plastered on the raven haired man's face.

"Have I mentioned that I hate you? Because I do,"

"Love you too wife,"

"Fine! Fine!" Lily exclaimed in a louder tone, both due to exasperation and in a bid to stop the crowd that was steadily moving towards them.

"Yes, I'll marry you,"

At her words the room fell silent for a moment, before loud cheering and shouts of congratulations filled the large space. With a relieved sigh, the raven haired man got to his knees, tenderly taking her left hand in his before sliding the ring on her finger and pressing a kiss on said finger. The ease at which the raven haired man had slid the ring on her left Lily wondering how he had gotten her ring size since it was a perfect fit for her.

Despite her distrust regarding the whole situation, she couldn't deny that the ring was gorgeous. The rose-gold band was designed to look like a curving flower stem, complete with little sectioned off leaves. The pink diamond was set in the middle of the band, as if to represent the flower, while a smattering of white diamonds were set it into the leaves.

"Like it?" The teasing question interrupted her musings. Lily glanced up, brown meeting blue as the man wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to his side.

"How'd you know my ring size?" Lily wondered aloud, momentarily ignoring how she was now pressed against the man. Along with how her best friend was gaping at her, maniacally tugging on James' arm; she wondered how the man hadn't lost his arm with how excited Alice could get.

"Why wouldn't I know my own fiancée's ring size?"

"I doubt you even know my favourite colour,"

"That's a trick question, you have more than one favourite colour."

Lily blinked in surprise, "Huh, I'm surprised you know about that."

"Well, you are my fiancée I should know everything about you shouldn't I?" A secretive smile spread on the raven haired CEO's lips. "Now, we really focus back on the masses love, especially since it seems like they're basically frothing at the mouth for gossip on us."

At the reminder, Lily forced herself to gaze back to the throng of people around them. Noting how all of them were staring unabashedly at them, some even pointedly trying to get a look of the ring that now adorned her finger. Unconsciously the brunette took a wary step back, moving closer to the man standing next to her. "They look ready to pounce if I take even one step forwards and how did all the paparazzi get in here? "

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